Services for staff
Staff and students use the same IT Essentials for teaching and learning, but there are some services solely for staff. They include:
Requesting an IT Account
In order for new members of staff to access the University's digital workplace (systems, services, software and support), they will need an IT Account.
All members of staff who join the University as part of the HR recruitment process will be issued with their IT account via an electronic process as part of their contract. HR and Digital Services will liaise with the new member of staff using their personal email address used throughout the recruitment process. For any queries about this process please contact the HR Support team on ext. 1351 or email
For access to University IT if an external or temporary member of staff, please take a look at IT Access for visiting staff.
University PC/laptop/mobile phone (and peripherals)
New staff will need their University laptop or PC ordering for them in advance of their arrival. The purchasing of all IT kit is done by Digital Services, but you can take a look at the standard Windows and Apple devices available, before requesting their purchase. More in the IT portal.
Managing your University password
Once you have set up your multifactor authentication method for your University account, you have access to reset your University password without needing support from the IT team.
IT Support
You can contact IT Support by phone using 01902 322000 between the hours of 8am and 5pm, or by using the IT Support Portal to raise a call or help yourself to information.