Making the most of your meetings

Meetings in Teams can be much more than just a simple video conferencing experience. Make the most of your meetings with these 3 quick tips.
1. Use the meeting options to add more control to your meetings. You can set up a lobby for everyone to wait in until you arrive, decide if you want notifications when users join or leave your meeting, or define who is able to present and share content during the meeting
2. When you create a meeting event, all of the attendees will be able to collaborate with each other before, during or after the meeting. This includes sending chat messages, sharing files, using the interactive whiteboards, or using the meeting notes/minutes tab.
If you cannot attend the meeting itself, you will still be able to collaborate with the other meeting attendees in this way. Should you not wish to collaborate with the meeting attendees, you will need to leave the meeting group in Teams. Likewise, if you do not wish an attendee to collaborate with others any more, you will need to remove them from the meeting group in Team.
3. If you have a recurring meeting, then the collaboration in chat, files and notes will all combine into one place for the meeting series, making it far easier to find. If you do want a separate chat group for any individual meeting, then you will need to ensure that those meetings are not part of a recurring series.
Important note: if you invite a guest to attend an event which is part of a recurring series, they will be added to the group chat to collaborate with the other attendees until they are removed from the meeting group in Teams.
For more information please contact the Corporate Communications Team.