Wolverhampton School of Art Alumni, University of Wolverhampton

Student case studies

Student Case Studies

School of Creative Industries / Creative Futures / Student Case Studies

Throughout our half century of showcasing creative talent, many of the thousands of graduates we have produced have gone on to become successful in their chosen field – covering the entire spectrum of our subject portfolio. In addition, the University's Alumni Mentoring scheme allows current students and recent graduates to be paired up with alumni members in established careers.

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Find Us

Wolverhampton School of Art

George Wallis Building,
University of Wolverhampton,
Molineux Street,



Wolverhampton Screen School

Alan Turing Building,
University of Wolverhampton,
Wulfruna Street,



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Instagram: @wlvcreativeindustries

Twitter: @ wlvsoci

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School of Art: www.wlv.ac.uk/soa

Screen School: www.wlv.ac.uk/screenschool

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