What happens to University waste?

The University encourages reducing, recycling and reusing as part of our commitment to the environment and sustainability.

Here you can find out more about what happens to University waste, including information about our latest recycling figures, what to put in he different bins on campus, where our food waste goes, and initiatives around paper cup recycling.


Veolia are the University's domestic and general waste contractor. Veolia collects general waste, dry mixed recycling, and food waste for the University.

More information is provided about what happens to our waste:

Diagram illustrating processing of different types of waste and recycling.


Waste and recycling figures throughout 2022 are included below:

Diagram illustrating processing of different types of waste and recycling.


What can go into Recycling Bins?

Diagram illustrating processing of dry mixed recycling.

What is General Waste?


The University recycles mixed glass from the Students Union and within Student Accommodation waste streams.

Food waste recycling

Catering teams separate food waste on our campuses and this is collected by Veolia. This food waste is delivered to an anaerobic digestion plant where it is converted into renewable energy in the form of biogas and organic fertiliser. We also recycle our cooking oil via Olleco which is converted into renewable energy.


Diagram illustrating the disposal process and energy yield of waste food.


Coffee Cup Recycling

Look out for coffee cup bins located in each Catering Outlet across Campuses. Coffee cups can’t be recycled in the recycling bins as they are coated with plastic and require specialist recycling. To reduce the waste from these, we have introduced coffee cup bins to collect cups and recycle them separately. Please take care to tip your liquid out in the marked spot before placing your cup in the bin.

Photograph of a recycling bin with compartments for cups and illustrated instructions on proper cup disposal.

Printer Toners

All used MFD (Multi-Functional Devices) toner cartridges should be returned to Digital Print Services in MKb Building, they are returned to Ricoh for recycling.


Confidential Waste & WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)

Restore Data Shred Ltd collect our confidential paper waste and recycle it to produce other reusable products such as tissues and recycled copy paper.

The WEEE waste is all collected by Stone you must Log a call on Hrams and fill in a WEEE Collection Request Form.


What do I do with batteries?

Batteries must be disposed of as hazardous waste and must not go into general waste. They damage the environment if they go to landfill. We have 15 location points/boxes on campus for disposal of household batteries. We are part of a battery compliance scheme with a company called Ecobat. Please see attached document for your nearest locations and what you can do.

Batteries disposal procedure Jan 2020 (Word doc 113k)


If you have any questions about waste management, please contact the Estates and Facilities Commercial Team on e.f.commercial@wlv.ac.uk.