Service Level Agreement (SLA)

Careers and The Workplace department

This Statement of Service outlines the standard of service you can expect as a client of the Careers and The Workplace department at the University of Wolverhampton. It includes our overall mission as well as details of what we can offer you, and what we expect of you as a user of the service.

Mission statement

We aim to provide high quality information, advice and guidance in an impartial, inclusive and welcoming manner to equip all students with the skills for lifelong career management and to introduce them to a local, regional and national employer network.

The Careers and The Workplace department operates according to the code of practice for the assurance of academic quality and standards in higher education: Career education, information and guidance outlined by the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA). We are committed to continuous quality improvement and actively seek client feedback to promote this. All our careers’ staff are members of Association of Graduate Careers Advisory Services (AGCAS).

Who can use the Service?

Our facilities and services are available to: 

  • All current students at the University of Wolverhampton including full and part-time students, students taking a leave of absence, apprenticeship students and exchange students studying at the University of Wolverhampton.
  • University of Wolverhampton alumni on a lifelong basis.

If you are looking to study at the University of Wolverhampton and would like support and advice on qualifications, application procedure, funding, or anything else then you can contact the Gateway on 01902 321032 or email Current students and graduates of other universities should contact their own careers service. 

Our Staff

You can expect a friendly and helpful service from all our staff. Our professional advisory and information staff are qualified and experienced in careers for those in Higher Education.  It is our policy to ensure that all staff regularly up-date their professional skills and knowledge. We see staff development as fundamental to the provision of a high-quality service. 

Services for University of Wolverhampton students and recent graduates

Careers Guidance Appointments

The Careers and The Workplace department offer 30-minute Career Adviser appointments – either in person or online through Teams, email, or telephone - to provide individual careers advice designed to help you access the self-help materials more efficiently, discuss general career queries and to help you produce effective information for successful applications such as understanding application forms, CVs, covering letters and personal statements. The careers adviser appointments system: 

  • Operates Monday to Friday from 09:00 am to 4:00 pm.
  • Provides impartial and inclusive client-centred advice. 
  • Is entirely confidential. 
  • Is staffed by trained and experienced careers and employability/ employment professionals. 
  • Operates within the equal opportunities policies of the University and the Association of Graduate Careers Advisory Services (AGCAS).

Longer appointments with a Careers Development Consultant are available to discuss more detailed career related advice and guidance queries. These more in-depth careers interviews are offered, if required, after initial contact through a Career Adviser appointment. 

We offer appointments at Wolverhampton, Walsall and Telford Campus.  Bookings are made using the Career SPACE online portal at  

Career SPACE

Career SPACE is the Careers and The Workplace Centre’s careers and employment portal - available to all University of Wolverhampton students and graduates.  Career SPACE allows you to access to the latest career-related advice, tutorials, tools, recruiter videos and book 1-2-1 appointments. 

Main Features: 

  • 1-2-1 Career Appointment bookings.
  • CV Builder and CV 360 review providing instant and detailed feedback.
  • Interview 360 providing instant feedback.
  • Jobs board.
  • Careers Newsletter and Newsroom with up-to-date careers articles, events and job listings.
  • Employability and occupational guides.
  • Assessment centre tools, psychometric and practice tests.
  • 100s of employer and graduate videos.
  • Employer Profile Database.
  • Microsoft Office and Business skills training courses.

Work Experience opportunities

  • Opportunities are advertised through the Jobs Board on Career SPACE, where we advertise graduate jobs, internships and placements, volunteering opportunities, international, part-time and seasonal work.
  • The University student ambassador programme is advertised through Canvas.

A range of events

  • Career and employment fairs, events, talks, workshops and sessions, delivered by employers and Careers and The Workplace staff.
  • Tailored career education delivered within your Faculty by Careers Development Consultants.
  • Tailored business start-up sessions delivered in Faculty.

All events and sessions are promoted through the Careers and The Workplace communication channels.

What you can expect from us

  • Professional, friendly, welcoming, knowledgeable and approachable staff.
  • Experienced and qualified Careers Advisers and Consultants with specialist sector and business start-up knowledge.
  • Confidential service which offers client-centred support, guidance, impartial advice and unbiased information.
  • Comprehensive, accurate and timely information delivered through a range of media and relevant formats.
  • Careers education, information, advice and guidance delivered by qualified, competent, and experienced careers and employability staff.
  • Equality of opportunity and access regardless of age, disability, gender, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, nationality, race, religion or belief, sex, or sexual orientation.
  • Reasonable notice if we are forced to cancel an event or appointment booking.
  • A feedback mechanism and complaints procedure.

Equal Opportunities

We recognise that certain groups of students are disadvantaged in the graduate employment market and actively promote our services to them.  We are committed to promoting equality of access and treatment regardless of race, religion, gender, disability, social class, age, or sexual orientation.  We challenge all forms of discriminatory or unequal treatment. 

Careers and The Workplace operates within the Equal Opportunities policies of the University and AGCAS. We work collaboratively with other agencies within the University such as the Student Support and Wellbeing team to meet the careers and employment needs of students with disabilities. 

What we expect from you

Careers information, advice and guidance is part of a developmental process and may not produce instant results. You should be prepared to invest time and commitment.

To make the most of our resources and staff expertise you need to take a pro-active approach towards your career choice and development by:

  • Being well prepared and reading the careers material and preparing a draft of your CV.
  • Actively participating in your careers or employment appointment by preparing in advance and following up by taking any appropriate action suggested by your Adviser or Consultant.
  • Keeping appointments and attending booked presentations and other activities, or to provide reasonable notice in the case of cancellation.
  • Treating Careers and The Workplace staff, employers and other clients with respect and consideration and using the services in a responsible manner.
  • Responding to the Graduate Outcomes survey for information on what you are doing following graduation and in your subsequent career.

Failure to use the services we provide in a professional and courteous manner will lead to revocation of privileges. We expect all users to abide by the University of Wolverhampton bye laws and codes of conduct while using our services.

Your views

We actively seek feedback from clients and review our activities in the light of your comments. Client surveys are conducted to help us gain a clear a picture of client views as possible. Address any complaints you may have to the Head of Careers and The Workplace in the first instance, but the University also has a formal complaints system and forms are available at

Policies and codes of standards

We comply with all relevant professional codes including those outlined below:

  • QAA Quality Code for Higher Education
  • AGCAS Quality Standard and Code of Ethics
  • Compliance with the University of Wolverhampton’s Equality and Diversity policy
  • University of Wolverhampton Privacy Notices
  • Careers and Employability Service Privacy Notice for graduates, staff and students using the service and Career SPACE

Contact information

Careers and The Workplace
University of Wolverhampton
Ambika Paul Building
City Campus
Wufruna Street

Email: Career, Advice and Guidance, Employment and Volunteering -

Tel: 01902 323400
