Freedom of Speech Code of Practice

The University of Wolverhampton is committed to upholding academic freedom of enquiry in its education and research and believes that a culture of free and open discussion is essential. This culture can only be achieved if all concerned behave with tolerance and avoid needlessly offensive or provocative action or language. The University expects all those who take part in activities to respect its values, promote good campus relations and maintain the safety and security of staff, students and visitors of the University.  

The University has approved this Code of Practice to balance, where it is reasonably practicable, its obligations to secure academic freedom of speech with its duties to ensure the law is observed.

The Code identifies arrangements for the approval of events which are not directly related to or an integral part of the University’s usual academic or administrative business, or do form part of the University’s usual academic or administrative business but are open to members of the public who are not staff or students of the University.

The Code also identifies reasonably practicable steps that must be taken to ensure that freedom of speech within the law is secured for the University community.

The provisions of the Code apply to;

  • all staff of the University
  • any persons using any premises of the University
  • any events that are held by UK partners working on behalf of the University to teach its students
  • all students of the University
  • the University of Wolverhampton’s Students’ Union
  • any events organised by other affiliates of the University
  • any events that are sponsored or subsidised by the University

Before a speaker is advertised the Organiser must complete part A and B of the Request for the Approval of an External Speaker form (Word doc 244k). All sections must be completed with as much detail as required. This must be completed at least 20 working days before the event.

The Organiser should then pass this to the nominated person within their faculty/directorate. A list of names and emails of these persons can be found here: Compliance Leads (Word doc 17k) 

Any queries regarding this Code of Practice should be directed to the University Secretary: 

Last updated on behalf of Associate Director of Corporate Governance on 03/11/2023.