
Unlimited access to core texts on your reading lists at University of Wolverhampton 

The University library makes a large annual investment in eTextbooks to ensure our students are provided with access to digital copies of many of the Essential texts from their reading lists* - saving them money while improving equity of access to key learning materials. Our current eTextbook supplier is VitalSource.

This investment enables students to:

  • Have personal, digital, access to essential textbooks
  • Read anytime, anywhere
  • Go directly to specific extracts or chapters
  • Bookmark pages of interest and search for keywords inside the text
  • Select important passages of the textbook and make notes and highlights in colours you like
  • Use read aloud or translate tools to aid your understanding of the text

*Not all Essential Reading items are available as eTextbooks. Where we can’t provide an eTextbook the Library will try to provide suitable alternative provision.

How to access eTextbooks

Your eTextbooks can initially be accessed..

  • via module reading lists in Canvas where eTextbooks have been added
  • via LibrarySearch

When accessing e-textbooks, especially as a first-time user, you may be prompted to login. Use your standard University IT credentials, accepting any Ts&Cs if prompted. 

How to use eTextbooks

eTextbooks are usually provided in one of two formats - PDF and EPUB. The PDF books work in the same way as any standard PDF format, whereas the EPUB files offer additional enhancements such as being able to customise the font size, font style and background colour.

How to get further help and support

If you have further questions you can visit the Library Assist Support pages or get in touch via Library ASSIST live chat.

If you need help finding your reading list on Canvas, this FAQ on accessing reading lists will help you to get started. 

What does this mean for print books in the Library?

The Library operates an "e-first" approach to textbooks, meaning where a textbook is available as an eTextbook or as a standard eBook, this is the format it is purchased in. This offers the most simultaneous access for the largest number of students, supporting flexibility of study.

We know that many students and academics place a high value on access to print resources, and the library will continue to invest in our wider collections of printed books, journals and other materials, as an important part of our collection development policy and practice.

Where print copies are needed for accessibility reasons, the library will make every effort to provide these.

Information for staff

Information for academic staff can be found on the Academics section of the library webpages, under eTextbooks.