Student Laptop Loans

Two laptop loan schemes are available to access from the Library: Short Term Loans (up to 6 hours) and Long Term Loans (up to 30 days).  

Have you borrowed a laptop from us before? We’d really appreciate your feedback on this new service – just follow this link to access our quick survey.

Short Loan Laptops

At each of our 3 campus libraries you will find our Lapsafe cabinets which you can use to borrow a Windows laptop for up to 6 hours. 

The laptops will come ready charged so you won’t need to worry about finding a study space with a power socket. This means you can also take the laptop to any location on campus that you prefer to study (just as long as you return it to the library by the end of your loan period or before the library closes, whichever comes first).  The Lapsafe cabinets are very easy to use and all you will need is your Campus ID card and a clean Library record. 

To borrow a laptop 

  1. Touch ‘borrow’ on the terminal screen 
  2. Touch your campus ID card on the reader 
  3. Read and accept the loan terms. Full terms will be emailed to you and are available to download here: Student IT equipment Short Loan Full Agreement (pdf.)
  4. A laptop will be allocated to you and the screen will tell you a locker ID which will also light up 
  5. Touch your campus ID card once more of the card reader in line with the locker that has been allocated to you and the door will unlock 
  6. Open the door, unplug and remove the laptop then close the locker door. 

To return a laptop 

  1. Touch the ‘return’ button on the terminal screen 
  2. Touch your campus ID card on the reader 
  3. The return locker location will be indicated on the terminal screen and the locker itself will light up 
  4. Open the locker door 
  5. Plug the charging cable back into the laptop and close the locker door to complete the return 

Important note: you must connect the charging cable and close the locker door fully for the return to trigger on the system and may be fined if both of these steps are not completed. 



Long Term Laptops (30 Day Max)

A limited number of laptops are available on a 30-day long loan from the library. Please speak to a member of library staff on the helpdesk to enquire about availability. 

If you are a new full-time UK undergraduate student, you may be eligible for a WLV Wallet bursary that could support you towards purchasing a laptop.

Terms and Conditions

The laptop loan scheme is open to all registered undergraduate, postgraduate and PhD students. You can borrow a laptop for up to 30 days, after which time you will need to return it to the Library. You can only borrow one laptop at a time. 

The laptops should be used for academic purposes. You should not borrow one on behalf of a friend, or loan them to friends or family to use. You will be responsible for the safety and security of the laptop whilst it is on loan to you and you should take steps to adequately protect and insure it.   

Administrative fees to a maximum value of £40 will be applied for late return. If you fail to return the laptop or if you damage the laptop, the University reserves the right to charge you up to the full value of the laptop. 

View the full Terms and Conditions for the laptop loan scheme (Word doc 93k).