Inter-Library Loans

If a book, journal article, thesis or conference paper isn't in our stock, we can usually get it for you from another library.

We will endeavour to satisfy as many requests as we can. If you have any problems with downloading a document, or other queries, please contact

For UK PHD theses please use the British Library service, Electronic Theses Online System (EThOS) (currently unavailable)

The ILL service is open to all University students and staff, except for visitors and SCONUL users.

Online Inter-Library Loan process

Place a request using this online form 

Please enter as much information as possible- some fields are mandatory (marked *) If you do not have the information, please enter ‘N/A’ or ‘not available’ and use the Notes if you need to let us know more. Book chapters should be submitted using the "Book Chapter / Thesis" form, not as an article.

Please Note: Due to copyright law, you may only request

  • 1 article per journal issue
  • 1 chapter per book

You can also make an inter-library loan via LibrarySearch by checking the 'Include items not in library stock box' from your search results page. Any items not already in stock will have an inter-library loan request option under 'How to get it'

  • Students can have up to 10 Inter Library Loans at a time.
  • Staff and Research Students can have up to 40 at a time.

There is no yearly limit on requests. 

Digital requests (articles, book chapters) should arrive within 24 hours.

If there are problems sourcing the digital request please allow longer (usually within 10 days, depending on availability).

Print books from the British Library will be delivered to the library within 4 days, again if we have to source from elsewhere, please allow up to two weeks.

Articles received from other libraries will be sent as PDFs to your University email. Documents must be downloaded within 45 days of receiving the link.

Digital requests (articles, book chapters) from the British Library will arrive as an email link to your University of Wolverhampton email address, which you use to download your document. Documents must be downloaded within 30 days of receiving the link.

Print books can be sent to either Harrison, Walsall or Telford Library for collection - please select your preferred collection site when filling in the online request form (Please note: We are unable to send ILL items to Springfield. You must collect and return books at the site you chose when you placed the request).

We are unable to issue ILL during extended opening periods so please arrange to collect your ILL during the following core opening times:

  • Harrison and Walsall Campus Library: 08.30 am - midnight, Mon-Fri, or 10 am - 4 pm, Sat - Sun
  • Hutchison Library, Telford Campus: 9 am - 5 pm