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Student Update: Government announcement on Covid-19 restrictions from 21 June

Student Update: Government announcement on Covid-19 restrictions from 21 June

Please be aware that this information was shared with students by email and correct at the time of sending. For the latest Covid-19 guidance, please visit our coronavirus webpages: If you are a student who has a query or needs support, please log a helpcall with ASK@WLV in e:Vision (

As you may be aware, following the Prime Minister's briefing yesterday (Monday, 14 June), the Government has announced that the next step in the planned easing of Covid-19 restrictions is likely to be delayed until 19 July. 

This delay does not affect the teaching currently taking place on campus, and our libraries remain open to all students who do not have access to an appropriate study space where they are living.  

The Prime Minister also announced that they will bring forward their target to give every adult a first dose of the coronavirus vaccine by 19 July. This includes people over 18 with 23 and 24-year-olds invited to book jabs from today (Tuesday, 15 June). I want to strongly encourage all students to take up the vaccination when offered. 

The number ofcases of Covid-19 at the Universityremains very small, butto keep these numbers low we need each member of the Universitycommunity to do their bit in following the rules. 

Students accessing our campuses and living in accommodation are expected to have two Covid-19 tests a week. We have a webpage that includes the Government's latest guidance aboutwhen to get a test, along with the locations for testing sitesclose to our campuses. You can arrange to get a lateral flow test using the facilities referenced on the webpage,somewhere localto you, or by ordering a home test kit online. Testing is just one part of our on-campus preventative measures against coronavirus, so please continue to follow oursafetyguidelinesand wear a face-coveringwheneveryou are on campus. 

Anyone who experiences coronavirus symptoms or tests positive must not come on to campus or must leave campus immediately, avoid touching anything and return to their home or residence. You should notify the University as soon as possible, following our Covid-19 reporting procedure 

Thank you for everything you continue to do to keep our University community safe. While I understand some people will be frustrated by the delay, the safety and wellbeing of our students, staff, and the wider local community remain our primary concern. We continue to have a full range of support services available if you need additional help during this time. 

Stay up to date with the latest information      

Please keep checking your University WLV emails and reading these updates. We are committed to keeping students up to date. We do this by email, on our social media channels (Instagram,  Twitter and Facebook) and the University student news webpage.   

Visit our dedicated Covid-19 webpages for information on how you can stay safe and help protect our University community during the pandemic.      

Students in the final year of their studies can visit our Class of 2021 webpage for information on the support available to you when planning your next steps.   

Thank you and stay safe.  

Julia Clarke 

Deputy Vice-Chancellor 


For more information please contact the Corporate Communications Team.

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