Campus render with students sitting in a grassy area between buildings, the sun shining in

Student Accommodation Collaborative Working Scheme

How to Join the Scheme

The purpose of the landlord's guide is to provide alternative accommodation options for all students that wish to study at the University of Wolverhampton.  The University of Wolverhampton and the PBSA that are eligible to join the scheme will all work pro-actively together to ensure regardless of which accommodation provider the student resides within, as a University we can be confident that they will be supported throughout their student journey.

In order to become a partner with the University you must be able to adhere to the following.

Are you:

  • A Purpose Built Student Accommodation Provider.
  • A member of the ANUK *large development or the UUK Code of Practise
  • Willing to provide evidence of your policies and processes and be audited on these to continue with the membership of this scheme
  • Willing to pay to participate with the annual student satisfaction scheme
  • Willing to sign up and adhere to the schemes Data Sharing Agreement

*This Code establishes definition of “larger development”.


If you would like to have your accommodation promoted please fill out the application form attached below and email it over to Purpose Build Student Accommodation


Student Accommodation Collaborative Scheme overview

Student Accommodation Collaborative Scheme Application form (Word doc 3,921k)