Dr Meilan Yan

Faculty of Social SciencesDr Meilan Yan

Dr Meilan Yan is a Lecturer in Quantitative Finance. She joined the Wolverhampton Business School as a lecturer in January 2014. She was awarded a Ph.D. in Economics from the Loughborough University (2013), supervised by Professor Maximillian Hall and Professor Paul Turner.

Her current research activities embrace the liquidity regulation of UK banks, empirical studies of the impact of Basel III on the UK. Her specialist teaching areas include Global Financial Regulation and Banking Risk Management; Money, Banking and the Financial System; and Analytical Skills for Business.

The Impact Of Basel III Liquidity And Central Bank Policy On The Lending Behaviours To Household And Business: Some Evidence From The UK

The proposed project aims to investigate the impact of the Basel III liquidity requirements and the proactive government bailout schemes as well as non-traditional quantitative easing polices on the bank lending channel in the UK.

From a research perspective, we lack knowledge on how banks behave to fit in with the new regulatory requirements and how this behaviour affects the real economy. Dr Yan envisages this research would attract attention from regulators and policy makers to understand banking behaviour, and to focus on monitoring banks specific characteristics which are likely to influence banks’ function in the real economy.