Researchers' Week Events 2021
See the schedule for Researchers' week sessions below. Click on the pink hyperlinks to go straight to the live session in Microsoft Teams.
Wednesday 9th June 2021 |
Thursday 10th June 2021 |
Friday 11th June 2021
Morning sessions (Staff and Postgraduate Researchers) |
Theme and description
EDI and Research
Over recent years the importance of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion to all aspects of research has been spotlighted. It is now critical that all understand the implications of EDI for the field of research as a whole, themselves as researchers and the outputs of their research.
Research Integrity
We all understand that Ethical research practices are critical for quality research. However, researcher integrity is often overlooked. These sessions ask: what is researcher integrity, its relationship to ethical practice, and what research integrity looks like in real life. The sessions also share the resources that UW offers to its researchers. |
Knowledge Transfer and Intellectual Property Rights
A critical part of research is ensuring that you use your work to make a difference. This morning’s session highlight how you can do this whilst protecting your intellectual property. |
9:30-10.30 am |
Equality, diversity and inclusion – what does this mean?
Presented by Will Cooling.
This session looks at what Equality, Diversity and Inclusion really mean and why they are important to all researchers. |
What is research integrity
Presented by Professor Silke Machold.
This session answers the question ‘what is researcher integrity?’ whilst considering why it is important and the implications of not practicing research with integrity |
Knowledge Transfer (KE) in Research
Presented by Professor Rachel Slater
This session covers what KE is and how you can engage in KE. Some examples of KE in action will be shared, as well as some tips about KE for other researchers. |
10:30-11 am |
Why is EDI important in your research? – University resources.
Presented by Dr Debra Cureton
In this session we explore why EDI is important for all researchers. We also review the EDI resources available in at the University. |
The University Ethics/ Integrity resources
Presented by Dr Debra Cureton on behalf of Jill Morgan
In this session we review the resources and support materials that the University offers to help you navigate ethical research and researcher integrity.
Building a business/ consultancy from your research (SPEED?)
Presented by Charlene Butler
SPEED is a business support project offering tailored support packages for students and graduates of the University of Wolverhampton looking to start a business or consultancy. |
11-11:15 am |
Break |
11:15-12 pm |
How to enhance and evidence EDI in your research
Facilitated by Dr Debra Cureton.
Be prepared to do some work in this workshop! This session is going to provide you with some questions to help you think about how you ensure that you are equitable and inclusive in your research practice and aware of how to and aware of how to articulate this. |
Real life research Integrity situations
Presenters: Professor Andy Lane, Dr Iain Lahart, Dr Sam Westwood.
In this session we will discuss real-life research integrity scenarios, and consider what we can do and what we could do. |
Intellectual Property Rights, what researchers need to know?
Presenter: Dr Gavin Smeilus
This session offers insights into intellectual property rights pertaining to your research. This includes Copyrights, Patents, Trademarks, and Trade Secrets
12-1 pm |
Lunch |
1-2 pm
Facilitated networking Get to know other researchers at the University |
Posters, Photo Depictions and Networking
Virtual Gala Lunch Bring your lunch and join in to celebrate surviving a difficult year |
Afternoon Sessions (For Postgraduate Researchers) |
Thesis Submission and the Viva Voce: Voices of the Successful.
GROWTH during Doctoral Study |
Celebrating our success |
2:00-2:55 pm |
Presentation and submission of your thesis (what everyone needs to know)
Presented by Dr Ben Halligan
This session considers what a good thesis should look like, and goes through the pre-submission checklist to ensure that you’re submitting everything you need in the thesis, and the presentation meets and exceeds the expectations of your examiners |
Discussion afternoon: What have I learned during my doctorate?
Panellists: Dr Chris Martin, Dr Lee Yarwood-Ross, Alison Etches, Sarah Griffin, and others
Share with us what you have learned, what you are proud of, and what advice that you would give to others |
Virtual Awards/Celebration Ceremony
Hosted by Dr Ben Halligan
Let’s spread a bit of love, give someone a shout out, and nominate them for an award. Tell us who you want to nominate, what you want to nominate them for, and why.
3:00-4:30 pm |
The Successful Viva – Panel and Q&A with recent graduated PGR
Panellist: Dr Fay Glendenning, Dr Chris Martin and Dr Lucy Kelsall-Knight
Chaired by Dr Debra Cureton
In this session our panellist will talk about their experiences of Viva Voce and share some tips to being successful. The panellist will also be happy to answer your questions. |
5 pm – 6 pm
How do I go about preparing a PhD proposal?
Dr Ben Halligan
How does the application process work? How do I know if I'm ready to begin a PhD? What are the funding options available to me? Dr Benjamin Halligan will talk through the A-Z of PhD applications, and also consider: What kind of expectations of work/life balance should I have? Can I study with other work/life commitments going on too? Q&A to follow.
8:00pm – Midnight
Wine Night with the Doctoral Students Society (DSS)
Hosted by Madison Miller & Edda Nicholson
Join fellow PGRs at the ARC2021's Wine Night with DSS. This event closes an amazing week full of networking, sharing of ideas, and education! Just the fun and laughs we all need. Feel free to join with your webcam on or off and bring your favourite drink! We welcome all PGRs to this event and look forward to seeing you there. If you have any questions, please email us at
Microsoft Teams meeting Join on your computer or mobile app |