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Staff: online ILLs go live from today, skills support and teaching is continuing and now virtual!


Online Inter-library loans, go live from today!

New improved online Inter-Library Loan process

The way to request inter-library loans has changed – the new easy online process means you can now place requests using this online form and will no longer need to complete and return paper request forms.

In response to the current coronavirus outbreak and subsequent library closures, we will be offering a restricted interlibrary loan service. Requests can be placed using the online form (see ‘How do I make a request?’ below) for journal articles and book chapters only (one article per journal issue, one chapter per book, under copyright law). These will be delivered electronically to your University of Wolverhampton email address. For information on articles delivered by the British Library, please read these instructions.

If you already have a book out on interlibrary loan, please be assured there will be no fines accrued for overdues. A rolling renewal system will be in place until services return to normal, and if any fines do occur they will be waived.

We will endeavour to satisfy as many requests as we can, however, we are reliant on other libraries which may also be closed or offering a limited service. If you have any problems with downloading a document, or other queries, please contact

The British Library EThOS service has temporarily suspended digitisation of theses, and the majority of UK libraries are not supplying print copies at this time so no requests for theses can be processed until further notice.

 Skills support and teaching is continuing and now virtual!

The Library Skills Team will continue to provide support for your students. They will be doing this through various virtual options. Please ask your students to contact us by email to


For more information about the library service during the COVID-19 pandemic, visit the staff and student FAQs page. 

For more information please contact the Corporate Communications Team.

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