In what circumstances would an information request be refused?
Requested information may not always be provided. The Freedom of Information Act 2000 recognises there will be valid reasons why some information may be withheld.
The University of Wolverhampton is not obliged to deal with vexatious or repeated requests.
The University of Wolverhampton will refuse to disclose information in the following circumstances: -
a) The information requested is third party data and would be classed as personal data; the request will then be dealt with in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018. If you wish to make a request for this information, please see our Data Protection Policy;
b) Where consideration needs to be given to whether the information is in the public interest. In some circumstances the matter may need to be referred to the University’s legal representatives or the Information Commissioner. If this applies, the applicant will be contacted and informed of any potential delays due to the consideration of exemptions and the public interest test;
c) The request is vexatious, or the same information has previously been provided to the applicant;
d) The cost of complying would exceed the appropriate limit (£450). If this applies the individual will be informed of any similar information which may satisfy their requirements and provided with the information up-to the appropriate limit;
Where a refusal to disclose information is made, the individual will be informed of the complaints procedure and the right to refer the matter to the Information Commissioner.