Military Applicants and Students

For many years the Emergency Management & Resilience Centre has offered postgraduate courses in Emergency Management for military personnel, which have run separately to our civilian courses. 

We continue to support applicants and students from the military services; however, experience has taught us that students gain much more benefit when we bring all of our students together.   Overall, students benefit from a better learning environment, class discussions are more engaging, and networking opportunities across all sectors is improved.  Our Postgraduate Certificate / MSc Emergency Management & Resilience courses now all run together, bring civilian emergency responders and military personnel together. 

These courses are designed to meet the needs of experienced personnel and entry onto the course will take into account your experience gained from military service.  We recognise that many people within the Services are highly skilled and exceptionally trained, but this is not always backed by formally recognised qualifications.  Military personnel (uniformed or civilian) often find they do not need to meet any further entry criteria above their experience after speaking with us.

You will also find our courses on the ELCAS website, and you can use Enhanced Learning Credits towards payment for the course.   Our ELCAS registration number is 1332.

There are two courses to choose from:

  • Postgraduate Certificate Emergency Management & Resilience (Mixed campus and online sessions) 1 year
  • MSc Emergency Management & Resilience (Mixed campus and online sessions) 1 year (full time), or 2/3 years (part time)

You can review the full course information by clicking here.

Feel free to contact us for an informal discussion about the course and the options open to you.


Join the many successful military students who have graduated through our courses - 

"I found this course to be invaluable, improving my ability to manage and prepare for emergency situations, particularly within the dynamic military environment."

Mark Stent, Royal Navy