Early Career Researcher (ECR) Network

The University of Wolverhampton is proud to be part of the newly established British Academy Early Career Researcher (ECR) Network in the Midlands, led by the University of Birmingham, and comprising of twelve Higher Education Institutions.
The Network, which is being piloted over the next two years, will be responsive to the career ambitions, needs, and interests of ECRs in Humanities and Social Sciences, through skills development, networking opportunities, research showcasing opportunities, workshops, and events.
Dr Benjamin Halligan Director of the Doctoral College and Academic Lead for the University’s contribution said: “We are delighted to be part of the British Academy initiative, which will enable many opportunities for support and advancement for our ECRs, and for networking with likeminded colleagues in other universities. I’m looking forward to working collaboratively with our partner universities to take another step towards providing wider engagement across the Midlands.”
The University will be offering a series of sessions for network members, developed and run by the Faculty of Arts, Business and Social Sciences and the Doctoral College. For further information and to join visit the British Academy website.
Humanities and social sciences researchers who have completed their PhD qualification, and who identify as an ECR (within ten years of their PhD award, taking into consideration career breaks, parental and medical leave periods, and other exceptional circumstances) are invited to join the network by completing this registration form.