Stork Progamme

Stork Progamme

The STORK Programme is an interactive programme for parents, carers and families of new-born babies.

STORK is an acronym for Supportive Training, Offering Reassurance and Knowledge to parents, carers and families.  The Programme provides information and training on aspects relating to reducing risks for infant mortality (baby death) in the region, using a mobile application, computer aids, an interactive quiz, and a manikin (baby doll).  It usually takes place within a health care support team in 1:1 or small group sessions.

The STORK Programme provides information around:

  • recognising the signs of illness in baby
  • breast feeding support
  • safe sleeping and reducing the risk for Sudden Infant Death
  • basic life support
  • how to deal with the choking child (for older children)
  • the harmful effects of smoking in pregnancy, and thereafter
  • local signposting to health lifestyles support 
  • Coping with a crying baby (ICON)

It is designed as an informative guide for parents, carers and families on what can be done by the public to keep young babies safe in the first few months of life, and to augment health care provision in families. It is not a certified resuscitation training course. For access to our free mobile app click here

The STORK Collaborative is a network of interested health care teams working towards reducing risks for newborn and infant mortality though parent, carer and family education and empowerment, using the STORK Programme, in the West Midlands - Read more about our STORK Collaborative here.

Watch this video on how STORK has helped a mother with a preterm baby.


Please contact Professor T Pillay with any queries via e-mail here.