About Us

Construction Future Research Centre (CFRC)

Our vision is to be “an innovative and agile centre of excellence engaged in integrated architecture, built environment, and civil engineering delivery; applying an industry facing people-centric approach to research which applies outputs with real impact to local, national and international communities.” We drive for the need to create maximum impact from our pioneering research across three-tiered strategy:

  • First-tier beneficiaries- direct project investors and end users;
  • Second-tier beneficiaries- supply chain services underpinning projects (such as design, procurement, manufacturing, servitisation etc.); and
  • Third-tier beneficiaries – wider economy and society (including wider societal impact stemming from publicly-funded research social, cultural, environmental, economic measures).



Our research is governed and managed through the CFRC, with work strategically distributed through two main research groups: ‘Digital Construction’ [DIGITAL] and ‘Smart and Sustainable Construction’ [SSC]


Research groups

This research group consolidates our digital research through six core areas, all of which support industry demand for rigorous and relevant research. Group undertakes bespoke activities and holistic interventions covering the three core pillars of people, process, and technology. 

This research group focuses on developing a range of technologies, systems, processes and frameworks which are needed to deliver smart and sustainable infrastructures. This underpinning research has been extended and applied thematically in data analytics, knowledge-based technologies and innovative business modelling.