Fluid Dynamics and Numerical Modelling Group

At The University of Wolverhampton

The Fluid Dynamics and Numerical Modelling group is a research group within the Centre for Engineering Innovation and Research (CEIR) at the University of Wolverhampton. It clusters a wide multidisciplinary research community within the school of engineering, computing and mathematical sciences. The underlying philosophy of the group is to use computational tools and numerical modelling techniques to develop a basic understanding of physical science and its novel application to real-world engineering systems. The group brings together experts in Fluid Mechanics, Material Science, Process Engineering, and Numerical Modelling method professionals, with diverse backgrounds in Mechanical Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Mathematics, Computer Science, and Physics. The group aims to carry out world-class research, generate high-quality publications, collaborate with industrial partners and other research institutions, and apply for grants. The group combines experimental, numerical, and analytical approaches to analyse and solve real-life problems. The group has access to the University’s world-class high-performance computing facilities and experimental laboratories. 

The group is particularly interested in providing insight in various applications, including, but not limited to:

  1. Aerospace (green aviation, noise reduction, etc.).
  2. Energy and thermal system (solar, PV, wind, heat pump, hydrogen technologies, etc.).
  3. Defence.
  4. Propulsion and turbomachinery.
  5. Fluid dynamics of complex flows (turbulence, boundary layer, subsonic and hypersonic, high temperature gas dynamics, steady and unsteady aerodynamics, stability and transition, etc.).
  6. Oil and gas (single and multi-phase flows, etc.).
  7. Combustion and reacting flows.
  8. Aerodynamics (aircraft, automotive, race car applications).
  9. Fluidised bed reactors, Polymerisation, and Hydro purification.


Find out more about the group members:

PhD Applications

The group invites students to study for doctorates in one of their research areas. An informal discussion can take place with either the group leader or directly with one of the group members. Details of potential research topics are available on the University's websites of the group members.