Masterclass: Hamlet

  • When? 17 August 2019 - 17 August 2019 , 2pm - 4pm
  • Where? Univeristy of Wolverhampton, Camp St, Wolverhampton WV1 1AD

This session examines how the play explores the interactions of characters confronting the tensions between the radical ideas gaining currency through the Renaissance movement and the cultural traditions which had underpinned western societies for centuries. Advances in science, new ideas in philosophy, developments in artistic form and notions of what we might call ‘individualism’ compete for mastery with established certainties of religious faith, social value, concepts of honour and gender identity.  We will interrogate these contests using contemporary scholarship, textual evidence and examples of the play in performance.


Who should attend this event?

Students at A-Level or AS Level, though GCSE who are studying Shakesphere will benefit from the event. 

To book tickets please use the link below:-
