University textbook provider changes to VitalSource

Beginning 01/09/24 the University’s eTextbook access will change from Kortext to the new provider VitalSource
What are eTextbooks?
Thousands of the book titles cited on reading lists each year are provided by the University Library as ‘eTextbooks’ – where available eTextbooks give our students unlimited access to many of the high demand titles on their module reading lists, plus the ability to make personalised notes and annotations to help them study effectively.
More information can be found on the library websites eTextbook pages
What does this mean for Students?
Students will no longer be able to access the Kortext versions of books used in previous years. New versions of the books will be made available either as eTextbooks via our new provider VitalSource or as library eBooks through one of our other providers. In cases where no digital option is available, the book may be provided in hard copy from one of our campus libraries.
The route to accessing your key textbooks remains the same – following the links from your module reading lists will take you directly to the relevant books. The vast majority of titles are also discoverable via LibrarySearch.
There may be a slightly different look and feel to the books on the new VitalSource platform to those on Kortext, however many of the same functions such as highlighting and annotation are still available.
Please be aware that any notes made on the previous Kortext version of books will not transfer to the new VitalSource version of that book. However, you are still able to log into the Kortext platform and export your previous notes should you still require them – please see our FAQ guide on exporting notes from Kortext books.
If you can’t find the book you’re looking for or need help using any of our eBooks, please get in touch with the library for further advice.
What does this mean for academics?
The books you cite on your lists will no longer be available on the Kortext reader.
Books still cited as Essential on Leganto reading lists will have other access made available, either as eTextbooks via our new provider VitalSource or one of our other general eBook providers. In rare cases where no digital copy can be reasonably sourced, the book may be purchased in hard copy.
The library will systematically replace all existing links on Leganto reading lists with the new version of the books.
The process for citing books on module reading lists remains the same, once you select a title on your reading list and click ‘Send List’ the library team will review these and make them available in our collection wherever possible.
There are limitations on the library budget, the scope of the eTextbook programme and consequently on the number of items which can be purchased for any one module - if there are any issues or concerns with citations on reading lists the library team will contact the relevant academics to resolve these.
For more guidance on citations on reading lists please refer to the University Reading Lists policy, if you have any problems or questions please contact your faculty liaison librarian or the leganto team at
Why is the change happening?
The University Library manages the eTextbook programme as a part of its wider provision of books, journals, databases and other learning resources which underpin teaching, study and research at the University.
The contract with our previous supplier Kortext has reached its end-date after three successful years. The library, together with colleagues in other departments, undertook a review of available suppliers and have concluded that at this time VitalSource are best placed to meet the University’s particular requirements for the coming academic year.
VitalSource are a global leader in eTextbook provision and we’re confident that this partnership will continue to build on the success of our existing programme, providing students at Wolverhampton access to the right material at the right time, enabling them to succeed in their studies at the University.
More updates and details on the VitalSource platform will be shared ahead of and during the new term.
For more information please contact the Corporate Communications Team.