Leganto Rollover complete: Module Leaders, update your reading lists by 31 Aug

We’re pleased to tell you that annual Rollover is complete and reading lists for the new 2020/21 academic year are now ready to update at: http://wlv.ac.uk/leganto.
Module Leaders are asked to update your reading lists between now and 31 August 2020.
By updating during this window the Library will have enough time to get in place the resources you want.
Please consider the currency, relevance and accessibility of the resources you recommend.
You can still update after the end of August, but after then the Library can’t guarantee resources will be ready for the start of Semester 1. Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, please prefer electronic resources over print resources, where possible.
IMPORTANT - when you’ve made your changes, click Send List. If you don’t have any changes, still click Send List.
For more details, see the Rollover FAQs at: www.wlv.ac.uk/readinglists. If you have queries, please contact leganto@wlv.ac.uk.
For more information please contact the Corporate Communications Team.