Have a go at bellringing!

Have you heard the bells from St Peter's Church, the very large old church next to City campus? Would you like to have a go at bellringing?
These ancient bells are embedded in English culture, they have been rung for hundreds of years to mark special occasions such as an end to war, the death of Elizabeth II, coronation of King Charles, as well as regular church occasions.
A rare opportunity to try bellringing yourself, including climbing part way up the tower at St. Peter's has been offered by St. Peter's bellringers.
You will need to be able to climb 70 steep steps and be able to pull on a rope, you will also need to be comfortable with small spaces.
You must confirm with the Chaplaincy that you would like to attend so we can get you the full health and safety briefing from St. Peter's, open to students and staff but numbers are limited.
Monday 13 May, arrive St. Peter's between 6.45pm and 7pm but please email chaplaincy@wlv.ac.uk to book.
For more information please contact the Corporate Communications Team.