University Exams

This page provides information on formal on-campus examinations. 

 Resit Timetables

Resit Examination Timetables for exams taking place in July 2024 are available here

2023/4 Resit Exam Timetables 8-15 July 2024 (Excel doc 54k)

Students with Individual arrangements or group sittings will be contacted via email during w/c 1st July 2024.

  • All students will be seated upon arrival to the exam room
  • Please ensure you bring your Student ID or another form of photo ID to your exam

Exam arrangements may be subject to change at short notice, timetables should be checked regularly in the lead up to the exam period. 

Formal Module Examinations (where module guide assessment type = EXAM). 

  • Provisional exam dates and date ranges for exams are published in Canvas module topic assessment area. 
  • The date range in Canvas is the expected dates that exams are set to be scheduled between. Once scheduling is complete Canvas is updated with the final date, time and duration for each exam.
  • Where available personal timetables are then published to students. 

Personal Timetables - e:Vision

  • Personal Exam Timetables are usually made available in e:Vision two weeks before the exam or exam period commences. Where there are significant resource and planning constraints, timetables may be released later in order to minimise change.
  • Personal schedules for resit timetables may not be available in which case timetables will be made available to all here. 

Exam arrangements may be subject to change at short notice, timetables should be checked regularly in the lead up to the exam period.

During Semester one & two exam periods (January & May) 

If you cannot see your personal timetable in e:vision, please email with your student number

If you are a student who receives reasonable adjustments in exams and have any concerns or questions regarding your exam arrangements, please email  

Exam Clash Form

You should download and complete the Exam Clash Form if:

  • One or more of your exams are scheduled for the same time.
  • You have three exams scheduled on the same day, morning and afternoon. 

If you have identified a clash between an exam and an in-class test/time constrained assignment or viva, please inform your Module Leader for that module. 

Exam Clash Form 2021-2 (Word doc 55k)

Clash forms should be submitted via email to 

If you have any other queries that are not answered on these pages, please contact the exams team directly at 

On the day of the exam, you can also contact the exams team 01902 32 2494 

Please bear in mind phone lines can get extremely busy during peak exam periods so if your query is not related to an exam on that day you may still be asked to email the team. 

If you are due to sit a Canvas Online Exam on campus, please ensure your IT password is up to date . You can rest your password online by visiting IT Account Password - University of Wolverhampton (

If your account is locked you may be unable to sit your exam. If in doubt, please contact Digital Services - IT Support ( ahead of the exam period using the self-service portal, or email 

If you are blocked from accessing university facilities due to outstanding debt you will not be able to access the Canvas Exam. The Exams team cannot lift financial blocks. Please contact Finance well in advance of the assessment due date to resolve this. 

If you feel that you need support to sit your exams due to disability please contact Student Support and Wellbeing (SSW) as soon as possible before your exams.

Requests for support for 2023/4 exams MUST be made by the following dates

Exam Period

Student Deadline to apply for Adjustments

Semester One

Friday 3 November 23

Semester Two

Friday 01 March 24


Friday 31 May 24

Exams outside Main Assessment Weeks 

4 weeks in advance of due date

For standard semester based modules student deadlines are set half way through for the current semester.

Late Adjustments & Accommodations: Where students are awarded exam adjustments after the published deadlines and in close proximity to the exam(s), every effort will be made to accommodate requirements but cannot be guaranteed. 

Any queries on reasonable adjustments for exams should be sent to 

All students are expected to adhere to the Exam Regulations

Exam regulations should be read in conjunction with the Fit to Sit and Extenuating Circumstances policy, and any other policy relating to individual conduct. 

By entering an exam you are declaring that you are fit to sit the assessment, and any claim for extenuating circumstances (also referred to as mitigation) will become invalid.

If you have approved extenuating circumstances ahead of the exam and decide that you are fit to sit, this should be retracted in e: Vision in advance of sitting the assessment. 

Alternative Assessment

If you are due to Re- Sit an official alternative assessment from 20/21 or 21/2 that has now reverted to its original assessment,  unless advised otherwise by module leaders, students are expected to be set a re-sit based on the failed assessment to be submitted to the original canvas module topic. This means that where modules have returned to on campus exams, students re-sitting from last academic year, where the exam ran as an alternative assessment, will not automatically be included in the exam schedule and will be expected to re-sit the alternative, unless agreed on the basis of exceptional reasons or PSRB requirements. 

If you cannot see the alternative assessment in the Canvas topic or your are unsure about your re-sit, please contact your Module Leader or ASK@WLV by logging a Help call in e: Vision at the earliest opportunity. 

During the 2023/4 academic year there are 3 main exam periods: 

Module Occurrence

First Sit

Resits (S1/S2/Year)

Semester One

Jan assessment Week 08-12 Jan 2024*


July Resit Week

08 -12 July 24


Semester Two & Year

07 – 20 May 2024

Semester Three

12 - 23 August 2024 (resit date TBC)

INYR, CRYRA, PSRB & any other modules with a non standard calendar

During specific teaching weeks - to be advised by Module Leader (& published on Canvas)

 * second provisional assessment week for semester one, 15-19 Jan 24

  • Semester 3 - exams will take place between the 12 -23 August 
  • Some PSRB courses have exams at different times throughout the year, in line with PSRB requirements.  This commonly applies to INYR and CRYR modules, as well as Nursing, Pharmacy and Law modules. If you are unsure you should check with your Module Leader in the first instance. 

All students are expected to make themselves available during university teaching and assessment weeks. Applications for mitigation to defer examinations or other assessments due to personal events such as holidays and weddings will not be accepted. 

Before your exam is due to take place, check that you are registered for the correct modules. If you are unsure that you are correctly registered please contact ASK for further support. 

Resit Timetables

  • Personal timetables are not currently available for July resits. Please consult the exam schedule under Resit Timetables above.
  • If you have reasonable adjustments in your exams you will be contacted with your individual room details. 
  • You do not need an allocated seat number. You can expect to be seated upon arrival to the exam room. 

 Exam Start Times

  • Morning exams begin promptly at 9:30*.
  • Afternoon exams begin promptly at 14:00*.
  • Canvas exams may start at alternative times.
  • On occasion, start times may vary from the standard.

Students are recommended to arrive 15 to 30 minutes before the start time.

Should there be any Covid-19 restrictions, details of exam start times, venues and when to arrive will be communicated to you closer to the day.  Start times may differ to the above to allow for social distancing whilst operating under restrictions.  

Arriving to your Exam Late

Exceptionally, you may be able to enter the exam room up to 30 minutes after the official start time, but no later than this.  If you arrive late, you will not be given extra time at the end of the exam.  You cannot enter the exam room after the first 30 minutes. 

As a student you might need additional support (reasonable adjustments) in order to sit your exams, this could be due to disability, a specific learning difficulty (SpLD) or other short term or long term health problems.

Reasonable adjustments for exams include:

  • Use of an accessible exam room.
  • Being roomed separately (with an Invigilator).
  • Additional time to complete exams.
  • Use of rest breaks.
  • Considerate marking.
  • Use of a PC.
  • Support from a Scribe or Reader. 
  • Being provided with an exam paper with large font, or printed on colour paper.

Requesting Support

If you require reasonable adjustments for exams you must register with Student Support and Wellbeing as soon as possible to be assessed.

Requests for support for 2022/3 exams MUST be made by the following dates

Exam Period

Student Deadline to apply for Adjustments

Semester One

Friday 4 November 22

Semester Two

Friday 3 March 23


Friday 2 June 23

Exams outside Main Assessment Weeks 

4 weeks in advance of due date

For standard semester based modules student deadlines are set half way through for the current semester.

Already Have Support?

If you already have agreed reasonable adjustments, the Central Exams Team will contact you via email to confirm arrangements for your exams.  

If you do not receive an email detailing your exam arrangements 2 weeks prior to exams starting, please email 


Making a Late or Temporary Request for Support

If you need to make a late request for reasonable adjustments (after deadline) or need support on a temporary basis, you will need to contact Student Support and Wellbeing urgently.

Where students are awarded exam adjustments after the published deadlines and in close proximity to the exam(s), every effort will be made to accommodate requirements but cannot be guaranteed. 


No Longer Need or Want Support?

If you have reasonable adjustments and no longer need them, please urgently notify in order to be seated in the main venue.  If you do not do this there is no guarantee that there will be sufficient space in the main venue to accommodate you. Students who are granted adjustments will forfeit future support by choosing to attend a main exam venue. 


Before Arriving at the University

  • Double check your timetable so you know where you need to go.  You must go to the correct room or check in point 
  • Check that you have the stationery needed for your exam.
  • Leave valuables at home, you will not be allowed to have these with you during your exam.
  • Bring your University ID card with you (or alternative photo ID if you do not have your University ID).  It is essential that your ID is confirmed before you are admitted in to the exam room.


When You Enter the Exam Room

You will be required to:

  • Place bags, coats and valuables in the area identified to you.
  • Turn off your mobile phone and any other electronic devices, and place these with your personal belongings, or in a clear bag (provided) under your desk.
  • Place your University ID card on the corner of the desk for the Invigilator to check and record your attendance.
  • Be quiet.  Strict silence must be observed at all times in exam rooms. 
  • Respect each other. You must not behave in any way that may disturb other candidates. Students causing a disturbance before or during an exam will be asked to leave the room and will be reported to Conduct and Appeals.
  • Be patient.  You must not read your question paper or start writing until given permission to do so.

Your exam may stipulate a period of ‘reading time’, and you may be able to make notes during this time.  The invigilator will confirm this with you at the beginning of the exam.

The Invigilator will make a short announcement informing you of what you should do in the event of an emergency (e.g. if the fire alarm sounds), if you become unwell or need to use the toilet facilities.  The exam will then start.


ID Check

You will be required to show your University ID card (or another form of photo ID if this is not available).

If you are wearing an item of clothing that makes confirming your ID difficult, you will be requested to remove the item enough so that your ID can be checked. This is also so that we can check that you are not wearing earbuds or concealing notes. This can be done in a private area if you'd prefer.


During the Exam

  • Read the instructions on the exam paper carefully, if you believe that there is an error, raise your hand to attract the attention of an Invigilator.  A member of the module team will normally be available at the beginning of the exam to address any problems with the paper.

  • Do not speak to, or communicate in any way with anyone except the Invigilator.  Students causing a disturbance before or during an exam will be asked to leave the room, and will be reported to Conduct and Appeals.

  • If you need to use the toilet, feel unwell or have a question for the Invigilator please raise your hand.


Academic Misconduct

Once seated in the exam room, you must not have on your person:

  • Notes, including any pieces of paper that could be mistaken for notes. Notes written on your body, on clothing, on drink bottles etc.
  • Mobile phones and other electronic devices capable of storing data.
  • Ear phones/buds.

If you are suspected of academic misconduct, the Invigilator will ask you to stop writing and leave the room with them.  You will be told the nature of the misconduct suspected, and asked to hand over notes or devices on your person.  If you were seen with an electronic device, a photo will be taken as evidence.

You will be allowed to continue with the exam if you wish, a line will be drawn under your work so the Module Leader will know at which point you were suspected of academic misconduct.  You will not be given extra time to allow for the disturbance.

At the end the exam, your exam booklet/paper and any items confiscated will be forwarded to the Conduct and Appeals Unit who will contact you to discuss the matter further.


You MUST Bring 

  • Your current University ID card to each exam.  If you do not have your current University ID card, please bring another form of photo ID with you, such as a passport or driving licence.
  • Stationery needed to complete your exam, stationery cannot be provided for you.
    • Calculators should be as specified by your Module Leader.  They should not be programmable or able to store data.  Mobile phones cannot be used in place of a calculator.
  • If you are taking an ‘open book’ exam, you can only use books, notes etc. as specified by your Module Leader.


Optional Items To Bring

  • A hot or cold drink, including those in reusable containers. Please remove labels off plastic bottles before entering the exam room.


You Must NOT Bring

These items should be placed with your personal belongings, they MUST NOT be on your person or on your desk when you start your exam.

  • Revision notes.
  • Pencil cases (unless they are clear plastic) or glasses cases.
  • Blank paper to make rough notes.  If allowed by your Module Leader, blank paper will be provided for you.
  • Dictionaries.  University policy does not permit the use of any dictionary in exams.
  • Mobile phones and other electronic devices*.  You are advised not to bring these items to your exam.  If you do bring them, please turn them off (not to silent) and place them with your personal belongings or in a clear plastic bag (provided) under your chair.
  • Valuable items.  The University accepts no liability for the loss of or damage to the personal property of any student whilst on University premises, you are advised to leave valuable items at home.

* Prohibited electronic devices include: mobile phones, electronic organisers, programmable calculators; watches, including smart watches; fitness Bands, MP3 players, wireless earbuds etc. 

The Invigilator may inspect anything that you have with you at your desk.



Exam Clash Form

You should download and complete the Exam Clash Form if:

  • One or more of your exams are scheduled for the same time.
  • You have three exams scheduled on the same day, morning and afternoon. 

If you have identified a clash between an exam and an in-class test/time constrained assignment or viva, please inform your Module Leader for that module. 

Exam Clash Form 2021-2 (Word doc 55k)

Clash forms should be submitted via email to