Mrs Thaisa Hughes

Mrs Thaisa Hughes

Senior Lecturer- Deaf studies and Interpreting

  • Email address
  • Phone number 01902 323418
  • Location MH214 Mary Seacole Building, University of Wolverhampton
  • Institute School of Social, Historical and Political Studies
  • Areas of expertise

    Simultaneous Interpreting, Healthcare Interpreting, Situated learning, sign language interpreter education.

Part time senior lecturer and practicing sign languge interpreter.

PhD candidate

Situated Learning and Cognitive Apprenticeship, instructor modelling, healthcare interpreting

ASLI (Association of Sign Language Interpreters)

NRCPD- Registered Sign language Interpreter




Current PhD candidate in final year

University of Wolverhampton, Wolverhampton (2017-present)


Post Graduate Certificate in Academic Practice in Higher Education

University of Wolverhampton, Wolverhampton (Oct 2012 - Nov 2013)

Teaching qualification relating to teaching in Higher Education


BA (hons) First Class BSL/English Interpreting

University of Wolverhampton, Wolverhampton (Sep 2002 - Jul 2006)

Specialist qualification leading to professional registration as a sign language interpreter. Includes modules exploring translation techniques, professionalism and ethics, consecutive and simultaneous interpreting.





NRCPD RSLI accreditation (BSL/English Interpreter) 1004444


Level 4 NVQ in Interpreting (BSL/English) INT4 (Dec 2007-June 2008)

Sign Solutions, Alvechurch


QCF Assessor qualification (Oct 2011 - Jun 2012)

A1 assessment


OCR level 4 certificate in leading the Internal Quality Assurance of assessment process and Practice.

A1 assessment


Stone C and Hughes T (2019) Facilitating legitimate peripheral participation for student sign language interpreters in medical settings. In I Souza and E Fragkou (eds.) Handbook of Research on Medical Interpreting. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.


Hughes, T., Bown, S. and Green, K. (2018). Engaging British Sign Language/ English interpreting students through the use of situated learning. Student Engagement in Higher Education Journal, 2(2), 149–160. Retrieved from


Whistance, T. and Kilbride, M, ASLI (Association of Sign language Interpreters) Lone Working Guidelines



Pratt, S. and Whistance, T.(eds) (2017) “It’s all Greek to me” Versatility in the Sign Language Interpreting profession: Proceedings of the 24th efsli Conference. Athens, Greece, 10-11th September 2016. ISBN 0789090305257


Pratt, S. and Whistance, T.(eds) (2018), “What’s up Doc? Interpreting in the Medical, Mental and allied Health Care settings: Proceedings of the 25th efsli Conference. Toulouse, France, 9-10th September 2017. pp.35-52. ISBN 9789090311630.






Bown, S. & Whistance, T. (2016) Understanding client talk: How does that make you feel? Student engagement, Student perspective: Inter-disciplinary 'situated learning' - Contextualising British Sign Language student interpreter training in a clinical nursing lab. Paper presented at, RAISE (Researching, Advancing & Inspiring Student Engagement), Loughborough, UK, 8-9th September 2016.


Hughes, T and Bown, S. (2018) The use of Situated-Learning in the training of Sign Language Interpreters working in Healthcare domains. Pratt, S. and Whistance, T.(eds) (2018), “What’s up Doc?” Interpreting in the Medical, Mental and allied Health Care settings: Proceedings of the 25th efsli Conference. Toulouse, France, 9-10th September 2017. ISBN 9789090311630. pp.35-52.




2014 Whistance, T. Music and Silence- cover article (October 2014) NEWSLI- Association of Sign Language Interpreters Quarterly publication. Issue 90


2016 Whistance, T. Spotlight Stress- Cover article (January 2016) NEWSLI- Association of Sign Language Interpreters Quarterly publication. Issue 95


2017 Whistance, T. Practice makes perfect- cover article (July 2017) NEWSLI- Association of Sign Language Interpreters Quarterly publication. Issue 101

Oct 2011 - Present P/T Senior Lecturer (previously Lecturer) Deaf Studies and Interpreting

      University of Wolverhampton, Wolverhampton


Duties include lecturing on a variety of modules across the Interpreting and Deaf       studies programmes, personal tutoring, module leadership, internal moderation, publication of academic papers and presenting at Conferences.


Nov 2018 – Dec 2021 P/T Facilitator (Truth Project, IICSA)

Home Office, Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse, Nationwide


Facilitating the sharing of an experience by a victim and survivor of child sexual   abuse. Where an experience is shared in a private session in person or by telephone, the Facilitator listens and hears the experience being shared, in a calm, non-challenging and non‑judgemental way. The Facilitator can support the participant should they need help through gentle questions to share their experience.

Completing and or checking the completion of associated paperwork (Police referrals, data collection, safeguarding documentation). Working with support workers, assistant facilitators and duty safeguarding officer to ensure that the wellbeing of the participant is always central.

Facilitating victim/survivor forums

Delivering Safeguarding training to the deaf facilitation team (in BSL)


Nov 2008-Present Registered Sign Language Interpreter (Freelance)

     Self-Employed, West Midlands/Shropshire/Staffordshire

Working as a community‑based interpreter in domains such as: Medical, Social Services, Conferences, Arts, Job Centres, Family services, Offices, Education, County and Magistrates Court, Probation, Mental Health, Social Security tribunals etc.


Sep 2011 - Jul 2015 Assessor- BSL/English Interpreting

Sign Solutions, Alvechurch


July 2006- Apr 2007   Part Time-Sign Language Interpreter

BID Services with Deaf People