Dr Komali Yenneti
Lecturer and Program Leader
- Email address komaliy@wlv.ac.uk
- Location Room No MA205
- Faculty Faculty of Science and Engineering
- Institute School of Architecture and Built Environment
- Areas of expertise
City and the Urbanism
Energy Poverty, Efficiency and Transitions
Urban Heat Vulnerability and Mitigation
Smart and Sustainable Cities
Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation
The Policy and Politics of Renewable Energy Implementation
Dr Komali Yenneti (PhD, MPlng, BArch, RACA, AITP) is a Lecturer in Geography, Urban Planning and Environment at the School of Architecture and Built Environment, Faculty of Science and Engineering, University of Wolverhampton. She is also an Honorary Fellow at the Australia-India Institute, and is the founding Chair of the International Geographical Union’s Young and Early-Career Geographers Task Force (IGU-YECG). Komali has previously worked with the University of New South Wales (UNSW), the Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (NIGLAS) and The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) on various policy, applied and community-oriented projects in India, China and Australia related to urban poverty and inequality, cities and climate change vulnerability, cooling cities and urban heat mitigation, urban energy transitions, energy efficiency in the built environment, and smart cities. She was also a visiting researcher at the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) and Das Deutsche Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE). In addition to a number of academic partners, her recent research has had involved more than 25 government and industry partners from around the world, for example, City of Sydney, New South Wales - Department of Planning and Industry, City of Hyderabad, DuPont Tyvek, and Mahindra Life Spaces in projects that created solutions for improving lives of people and environment, while developing knowledge exchange partnerships for achieving sustainable development goals (SDGs).
Dr. Yenneti has won several research grants, including those from the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), CRC for Low Carbon Living (CRCLCL), New South Wales - Office of Environment and Heritage (NSW-OEH), and Parramatta City Council on various topics of Sustainability like climate-smart cities, smart energy management, data augmented design for sustainable cities, sustainable energy transformations, energy efficiency decision-making, and cool and resilient communities. She has published widely in high impact and influential journals related to 'Energy, Environment and Planning', and has made several policy contributions including the ‘Cooling Cities’ document featured on the UNISDR , UNEP’s ‘Sustainable Cities and Communities’ , Making Indian Cities Energy Smart published by TERI and Energy Assessment Tool for BASIX published by CRCLCL. She is also frequent reviewer for more than 10 international journals, and is on the editorial board of 'Sustinere: Journal of Environment & Sustainability'. Her work has frequently appeared in national and international media, such as The Hindu, Business Standard, Solent University and UNSW, and has contributed to media articles in The Conversation, Morning India and Indian Observer Post.
Dr. Yenneti is a frequent invited speaker, including those events by the Low Carbon Energy for Development Network (LCEDN) and Al-Gore’s Climate Change Leadership Programme. She was selectd as one of the World’s Top 25 Young Scientists (Green Talents) in Energy by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany (2012) and for the ‘100 Great Minds’ by the Falling Walls Foundation (2013). She has served in research, advocacy and advisory capacities for several international organisations including LandCom University Roundtable, Green Building Council of Australia (GBCA), Smart Cities Taskforce - Committee for Sydney and the Commonwealth Youth Climate Network (CYCN).
Dr Yenneti is currently the Course Leader of BSc (Hons) 'Geography, Urban Environments and Climate Change' and Module Leader of 'Human Health and the Environment', Geography, Theory and Practice', 'Energy and Climate Change' and 'Urban Geography'.
My research addresses some of the key environment and society challenges and is particularly informed by interdisciplinary theories and concepts of social justice, vulnerability and inequality across energy, climate and the urban sectors. I am particularly interested in the nexus between research, policy and practice. I am interested in research-informed teaching and education that integrates innovative methods and applications, produces original thinkers and promotes meaningful engagement with discourses on environment, economy and society.
Essentials of Supervision Practice Certificate, Research Development Unit, UNSW, Australia.
Foundations of University Learning and Teaching (FULT) Certificate, Research Development Unit, UNSW, Australia.
PhD (Geography + Environmental sciences), School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom.
Diploma in Urban Management Tools in Climate Change, Institute of Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS), Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
Introduction to strategic sustainable development (7.5 ECTS credits) Certificate, Blekinge Institute of Technology (BTH), Sweden.
Master of Planning (Environmental Planning), Faculty of Planning & Public Policy, CEPT University, Ahmedabad, India.
Bachelor in Architecture, School of Planning and Architecture (SPA), Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University (JNTU), Hyderabad, India.
Editorial Role
(2020, ongoing) Golubchikov, O. and Yenneti, K. (ed.) Smart Cities, Energy and Sustainability: Governing Cities to a Low-Carbon Future, Wiley-Blackwell
(2020, ongoing) Sikka, G., Yenneti, K., Singh, R.B., Tikunov, V. Special Issue – Geospatiality and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Geography, Environment and Sustainability (Official Journal of Russian Geographical Society)
2018-2020: Yenneti, K., Golubchikov, O., and Lamberts, R. Special Issue - The Varieties of Energy Poverty: A Global Perspective, Energy and Buildings
Referred Articles
2020: Yenneti, K., Ulpiani, G., Santamouris, M., Ding, L., Paolini, R., Haddad, S. and Prasad, D. Urban overheating and heat mitigation in Australia: A systematic review of the evidence, Climate, 8(11),126 (Paper featured as Cover story for the Issues)
2020: Kantamaneni, K., Rice, L., Xiaoping, Du., Yenneti, K. Are current UK coastal defences good enough for tomorrow? An assessment of vulnerability to coastal erosion. Coastal Management (under review)
2020: Tripathi, S., and Yenneti, K., Measurement of Multidimensional Poverty in India: A State-level Analysis. Indian Journal of Human Development, 14 (2), 257-274
2020: Kantamaneni, K., Rice, L., Yenneti, K., Campos, L., Assessing the Vulnerability of Agriculture Systems to Climate Change in Coastal Areas: A Novel Index. Sustainability, 12(11), 4771
2020: Santamouris, M., Paolini, R., Haddad, S., Synnefa, A., Garshasbi, S., Hatvani-Kovacs, G., Gobakis,K., Yenneti, K., Vasilakopoulou, K., Feng, J., Gao, K., Papangelis, G., Dandou, A., Methymaki, G., Portalakis, P., and Tombrou, M. Heat Mitigation Technologies can Improve Sustainability in Cities An Holistic Experimental and Numerical Impact Assessment of Urban Overheating and Related Heat Mitigation Strategies on Energy Consumption, Indoor Comfort, Vulnerability and Heat-Related Mortality and Morbidity in Cities Energy and Buildings, 217 (110002)
2019: Joshi, G., and Yenneti, K. Community Solar Energy Initiatives in India: A Pathway for Addressing Energy Poverty and Sustainability? Energy and Buildings, 210 (109736)
2019: Yenneti, K., Rahiman, R., Panda, A., Pignatta, G. Smart Energy Management Policy in India – A review. Energies, 12(17), 3214.
2019: Wen, C., Yenneti, K., Wei, Y.H.D., Yuan, F., Wu, J., and Gao, J. Polycentricity in the Yangtze River Delta Urban Agglomeration (YRDUA): More Cohesion or More Disparities? Sustainability, 11(11):3106
2019: Samarasinghe, G., Lagisz, M., Santamouris, M., Yenneti, K., Upadhyay, A.K., De La Peña Suarez, F., Taunk, B., Nakagawa, S. A visualized overview of systematic reviews and meta-analyses on low-carbon built environments: an evidence review map. Solar Energy, 186: 291-299
2019: Kantamaneni, K., Rani, N.V.V.S., Rice, L., Sur, K., Thayaparan, M., Kulatunga, U., Rege, R., Yenneti, K., Campos, L.C. A systematic review of coastal vulnerability in Andhra Pradesh, India: a critical evaluation of data gathering, risk levels and mitigation strategies. Water, 11(2): 393
2017: Yenneti, K., Wei, Y.H.D., Chen, W. The Urbanization of Poverty in India: Spatio-Temporal Disparities in Consumption expenditures. Geographical Review, 107 (2): 360–383
2016: Yenneti, K., Day, R., and Golubchikov, O. Spatial Justice and The Land Politics of Renewables: Dispossessing Vulnerable Communities Through Solar Energy Mega-Projects. Geoforum, 76: 90-99
2016: Yenneti, K. The Grid-Connected Solar Energy in India: Structures and Challenges, Energy Strategy Reviews, 11-12: 41-51
2016: Yenneti, K. and Day, R. Distributional Justice in Solar Energy Implementation in India: The Case Of Charanka Solar Park. Journal of Rural Studies, 46:35-46 [paper cited in IPCC 2018]
2016: Yenneti, K., Tripathi, S., Wei, Y.H.D., Chen, W., Joshi, G. The Truly Disadvantaged? Assessing Social Vulnerability to Climate Change in Urban India. Habitat International, 56:124-135
2016: Yenneti, K. Industry Perceptions on Feed In Tariff (Fit) Based Solar Power Policies – A Case of Gujarat, India. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Review, 57: 988-998.
2015: Yenneti, K. and Day, R. Procedural (In)Justice in The Implementation of Solar Energy: A Case of Charanka Solar Park, Gujarat, India. Energy Policy, 86: 664-673.
2015: Gao, J., Wei, Y.H.D., Chen, W., and Yenneti, K. Urban Land Expansion and Structural Change in the Yangtze River Delta, China, Sustainability, 7(8): 10281-10307.
2014: Yenneti, K. What Makes Gujarat a Hotspot for Solar Energy Investments? Journal of Current Science, 105(5): 665-667.
2013: Yenneti, K. The Sun Shines On India? – A Review of Implementation and Financial Continuum of the National Solar Mission, Renewable Energy Law and Policy Review, 4: 280-291
2012: Yenneti, K. and Gamaralalage, D.J.P. Carbon Finance and Decentralized Composting in Asia: Potential and Future Considerations, Environment and Urbanization – ASIA, 3(2): 303-323.
2012: Yenneti, K. and Sharma, R. CO2 Emission Reduction Potential through Improvements in Technology from Civil Aviation Sector in India - A Case of Delhi-Mumbai Air Route, Research Journal of Recent Sciences. 1(ISC-2011): 134-144
Book Chapters
(2020, upcoming). Yenneti, K. The trilemma of energy justice, Verma, M.K. (ed.) Environment and Sustainable Development: Perspectives, Issues and the People, Routledge
2020: Yenneti, K. Measurement of Poverty In: Leal Filho W., Azul A., Brandli L., Lange Salvia A., Özuyar P., Wall T. (eds) No Poverty. Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Springer, Cham
2020: Yenneti, K. Yenneti K. (2020) Genesis and Measurement of Multidimensional Poverty Index. In: Leal Filho W., Azul A., Brandli L., Lange Salvia A., Özuyar P., Wall T. (eds) No Poverty. Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Springer, Cham
2019: Hawken, S., Yenneti, K., and Bodilis, C. Mapping climate vulnerability with Open Data: A dashboard for place-based action. In Hawken S, Han H, Pettit C. (ed.) Open Cities | Open Data: Collaborative Cities in the Information Era., (pp. 151-175). Ch. 7, Palgrave-McMillan, Singapore.
2017: Deng, W., Blair, J., Yenneti, K. ‘Contemporary Urbanization: Challenges, Future Trends and Measuring Progress’, in ‘Sustainable Built Environment’ (ed.), Deng, W., Encyclopedia of Sustainable Technologies, Elsevier: 3-11
2012: Yenneti, K. and Joshi, G. ‘Achieving Urban Sustainability by Involving Women Self-Help Groups (SHGs) – A Case of Eco-City Project’, in ‘Changing Economic Environment and Performance of the Nations: Canada and India (Ed.)’, Chapter 11: 117-130, Excel India Publishers, New Delhi
2010: Yenneti, K. and Joshi, G. ‘CO2 Emission Reduction Potential from Civil Aviation Sector in India Through Improvements in Operational Procedures- A Case of Delhi-Mumbai Air-Route”, India Infrastructure Report 2010, 3i Networks, Chapter -18, p.287-309’, Oxford University Press
2009: Yenneti, K. and Joshi, G. ‘Strategies for Development of CDM Framework for Indian Industry - Evaluating the Issues in Institutional & Financial Mechanisms’, in Piano, V. (ed.) Innovative Economic Policies for Climate Change Mitigation, p. 227-246, Economics Web Institute, Lulu: Italy
Refereed encyclopedia articles
2020: Yenneti, K. Urban Overheating in Australia. Encyclopedia, MDPI
2015: Yenneti, K. Fuel Poverty (Ed.) Odekon, M. Encyclopedia of World Poverty, California: Sage Publications, pp: 621-623
2015: Yenneti, K. Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Ed.) Odekon, M. Encyclopedia of World Poverty, California: Sage Publications, pp: 698-701
2015: Yenneti, K. Distribution (Ed.) Odekon, M. Encyclopedia of World Poverty, California: Sage Publications, pp: 377-379
2015: Yenneti, K. Entitlement (Ed.) Odekon, M. Encyclopedia of World Poverty, California: Sage Publications, pp: 486-488
2015: Yenneti, K. National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (Ed.) Odekon, M. Encyclopedia of World Poverty, California: Sage Publications, pp: 1086-1087
2015: Yenneti, K. National Conference for Community and Justice (Ed.) Odekon, M. Encyclopedia of World Poverty, California: Sage Publications, pp: 1096-1099
2015: Yenneti, K. Center for the Study of Urban Poverty (Ed.) Odekon, M. Encyclopedia of World Poverty, California: Sage Publications, pp: 185-187
2015: Yenneti, K. Institute for Research on Poverty (Ed.) Odekon, M. Encyclopedia of World Poverty, California: Sage Publications, pp: 807-808
2015: Yenneti, K. Giddens, Anthony (Ed.) Odekon, M. Encyclopedia of World Poverty, California: Sage Publications, pp: 664-665
2012: Yenneti, K. Asia-Pacific Partnership on Clean Development and Climate (Ed.) Philander, S. G. Encyclopedia of Global Warming and Climate Change, California: Sage Publications, pp: 81-83
2012: Yenneti, K. Energy Efficiency (Ed.) Philander, S. G. Encyclopedia of Global Warming and Climate Change, California: Sage Publications, pp: 507-512
2012: Yenneti, K. Green Buildings (Ed.) Philander, S. G. Encyclopedia of Global Warming and Climate Change, California: Sage Publications, pp: 665-667
2012: Yenneti, K. Green House Gas Emissions (Ed.) Philander, S. G. Encyclopedia of Global Warming and Climate Change, California: Sage Publications, pp: 677-680
2012: Yenneti, K. Renewable Energy, Overview (Ed.) Philander, S. G. Encyclopedia of Global Warming and Climate Change, California: Sage Publications, pp: 1186-1190
2012: Yenneti, K. Vulnerability (Ed.) Philander, S. G. Encyclopedia of Global Warming and Climate Change, California: Sage Publications, pp: 1444-1449
Policy and Industry Reports
2019: Rahiman, R., Yenneti, K., and Panda, A. Making Indian Cities Energy Smart, TERI-UNSW Policy Brief (New Delhi: The Energy and Resources Institute).
2019: Ding, L., Upadhyay, A., Craft, W., Yenneti, K., Samaratunga, M., Munsami, K., and Prasad, D. Validating and Improving the BASIX Energy Assessment Tool for Low-Carbon Dwellings. CRCLCL.
2018: Prasad, D., Ding,L., Yenneti, K., Fan, H., Craft, W., Sanchez, A.X., Li, X., Arnold, P., Bouhmad, K., Earley, R., Wang, Y., Wu, J., Li, F., You, N., Fox, J., Aragon, J.D. Guidelines for Sustainable Cities and Communities in China. UNEP
2018: Yenneti, K. Fostering partnerships for ‘Climate-Smart Cities’. Shashwat, 4 (5): 174-177 Available at
2018: Yenneti, K. Making ‘Climate-Smart’ Indian Cities. Australia India Institute, 6: 1-16
2017: Yenneti, K. and Kasamsetty, S. Building Integrated Solar Technologies (BIST) for a City’s Best, Energy Manager, 10 (4): 6-12.
2017: Yenneti, K., Santamouris, M., Prasad, D., and Ding, L. Cooling Cities: Strategies and Technologies to Mitigate Urban Heat, CRCLCL, featured on UNISDR, Prevention Web Platform
2015: Commonwealth, The Policy Recommendations and Voluntary Commitments, The Commonwealth International Secretariat, London
Invited talks
2020: Speaker at one day international conference (webinar) on ‘Pandemic pedagogy in higher education of COVID-19’, organised by Bharathiar University and Central University of Sikkim, India 13th May http://educon2020.in/
2020: Speaker at International webinar on Future of Geo-informatics, organised by IASE University, Rajasthan and NIGMT Foundation, New Delhi, 27th April
2020: Special Guest and Special Lecture at XIV IGU International conference on Agriculture, Food, Water, Biodiversity and Health in Changing Climate, Department of Geography, The University of Burdwan, West Bengal, India, 6th – 8th Mar
2019: Chief Guest and Speaker at ‘Dying art forms in India’, event organised on National Science Day, Department of Media and Communications, BBU Central University, Lucknow, India, 28th Feb
2018: Keynote address, 'Teaching and education in a smart world', International conference on ‘Teaching for creation and innovation', Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, India 18th -19th Dec
2018: Speaker for session ‘Climate Change: The Tipping Point’, 10th GRIHA Summit – Fostering partnerships for sustainable habitat’, TERI, India Habitat Center, New Delhi, India 10th – 12th Dec
2018: Guest lecture on ‘Governance of cities and climate change in the Asia-Pacific’, Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing, China, 16th Oct
2018: Speaker, ‘Cities and climate change decision making’, UNSW-Tsinghua Knowledge Exchange workshop on ‘Data Augmented Design for Sustainable Cities’, Tsinghua University, Beijing, 26th – 29th Sep
2018: Speaker for Question Mark Seminar - How can smart tech make India’s environment cleaner? India Week, organised by Australia India Institute, University of Melbourne, 30th Oct
2018: Panellist, ‘Climate Change in the Indo-Pacific: Opportunities and Challenges, organised by The Climate Reality Project’, Al Gore's climate change leadership program, hosted at the Melbourne Sustainable Society Institute, University of Melbourne, 30th June
2018: Speaker for session on ‘Land, Resettlement and Dispossession’ at conference on ‘Capitalising on the Sun Resources, Labour and Waste in the Global Solar Economy’, University of Edinburgh, 28th – 29th May
2018: Speaker for session on Energy and Environmental Justice at LCEDN 7th Annual Conference on ‘'Transforming Energy Access?', Loughborough, 30th May – 1st June
2018: Speaker, ‘The Urbanization of Poverty in India? A State Level Analysis of Multi-Dimensional Poverty in India’, XI IGU Guwahati Commission Seminar on ‘Environment and Sustainable Livelihood’, Guwahati, India, 8th – 10th February.
2016: Speaker at the ‘Green Habitat Forum’, organised by Hancheng Municipal Government, China, invited by the UN-Habitat Beijing
2015: ‘Urban Vulnerability to Climate Change in India’, International Conference on Inequality and Sustainability in Asia, Department of Geography, University of Utah, USA, 18th – 19th Sept.
Conferences/ Sessions Organised
2020: IGU-YECG Early Career Geographers Paper Session (Late Dr. Manju Singh Paper Award), XIV IGU International conference on Agriculture, Food, Water, Biodiversity and Health in Changing Climate, Department of Geography, The University of Burdwan, West Bengal, India, 6th – 8th March
2019: Two Sessions on “Energy Poverty and Justice”, IAG Annual Conference, Hobart, 9-13 July (co-convenor)
2019: Australia India Knowledge Exchange Series, Workshop IV – ‘Smart Energy Management’, UNSW Sydney, Australia, 29th March
2019: IGU-YECG Early Career Geographers Paper Session (Late Dr. Manju Singh Paper Award), XII IGU International Conference on on Climate Change, Natural Disasters and Sustainable Development, Panchkula, India 22nd – 24th February
2018: Australia India Knowledge Exchange Series, Workshop III – Panel and World café on ‘Smart Energy Management’, TERI, Delhi, India, 13th December
2018: Australia India Knowledge Exchange Series, Workshop II – ‘Climate Smart Cities’ (in collaboration with ASCI and DuPont), ASCI, Hyderabad, India, 8th December
2018: Australia India Knowledge Exchange Series, Workshop I – ‘Climate Smart Cities, UNSW Sydney, Australia, 16th November
2018: Energy Poverty in the Asia Pacific (Panel discussion), Urban Resilience in the Asia Pacific (URAP) 2018, UNSW Sydney
2018: Two IGU-YECG Early Career Geographers Paper Sessions (with Late Dr. Manju Singh Paper Award and Four Student Registration Fee Waiver Awards) and IGU-YECG Networking Event, IGU Regional Conference, Quebec, Canada, 6th – 10th August
2018: IGU-YECG Early Career Geographers Poster Session (Late Dr. Manju Singh Paper Award), XIth IGU Guwahati Commission Seminar on ‘Environment and Sustainable Livelihood’, Guwahati, India, 8th – 10th February.
2016: Early Career Symposium on ‘Energy Transitions in Asia’ (Best Paper Award), NIGLAS, Nanjing, 22nd -24th September
2016: Conference Sessions on ‘Launch of the IGU-Young and Early Career Geographers Taskforce’ and ‘Young and Early Career Geographers Survival Guide’, IGU Congress, Beijing, China, 21st – 25th August.
2013: Conference Sessions on ‘Energy sustainability: community behaviours’, ‘Energy security’ and ‘World café on Energy transitions’, RGS-IBG mid-term conference 2013: Geographical Transitions, University of Birmingham, 25th – 27th March.
2013: Early Career Symposium and Conference on ‘Energy vulnerability conditions and pathways: towards new research and policy agendas’, Manchester, 21st – 23st May.
Guest Lectures/Talks Organised
2020: Tag and Talk Series – The Word in Transition (A series of Q & A talks based on BBC’s Chain Reaction)
- Episode 1: Vogue for Urban Agriculture and Lockdown Gardening, 20th August (Dr. Komali Yenneti interviewing Dr. Upuli Perera)
- Episode 2: Creating Environments for Educational Justice: A Curatorial & Community Practice, 10th October (Dr. Upuli Perera interviewing Asha Iman Veal)
2017: Building Energy Efficiency and Reducing Energy Demand: Why?, by Prof. Tadj Oreszczyn, University College London, 20th February
2017: Concentrated Solar Power Mitigating Climate Change Impacts in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East, by Prof. Costas N. Papanicolas, 7th June
2017: Decision-making in urban green infrastructure implementation, by Dr. Carla-Leanne Washbourne, 8th August
2017: Downtrodden a question mark, by Mr. Nipesh Palat, 11th August
Conference Papers/posters
2019: Yenneti, K., The trilemma of energy justice: Insights from India’s solar mission, pp.26, IAG Annual Conference, Hobart, 9th -13th July
2018: Yenneti, K., Collaboration for climate-smart cities, U21 Early Career Workshop on ‘Sustainable Futures’, Shanghai, 9th – 12th Oct.
2018: Yenneti, K., Who wins and who loses? Energy justice and low-carbon transitions in India, pp.23, IGU – CAG Regional Conference, Quebec, Canada, 6th – 10th Aug.
2017: Yenneti, K., Prasad, D., Santamouris, M., ‘Future Cities – Hot and Smart: Urban Heat, Impacts, Risk and Resilience in India’, Jaipur, pp. 62, AEEE-INSPIRE, 27th Nov – 1st Dec.
2016: Yenneti, K., Tripathi, S., Wei, Y.H.D., Chen, W., Joshi, G. ‘Social Vulnerability to Climate Change in Urban India’, IGU-Urban commission meeting, Shanghai, 15th – 20th Aug, 33rd IGU Congress, Beijing 21st – 25th Aug.
2016: Yenneti, K., Wei, Y.H.D., Chen, W. ‘The ‘Urbanization of Poverty’ in India? Regional Disparities in Consumption Expenditures.’ AAG 2016, San Francisco, 29th March – 2nd April
2013: Yenneti, K. ‘Breaking the Wall of Energy Transition’, Falling Walls Lab, Berlin, 12th – 13th Sept.
2013: Yenneti, K. ‘Are We So Stupid for Smart Energy Technologies?’, MEGS IV Annual Conference on ‘Public Engagement with Energy’, University of Loughborough, 12th – 13th Sept.
2013: Yenneti, K. ‘Procedural Justice Issues in the Implementation of Solar Energy in India’, U21 Graduate Research Conference on Energy: Systems, Policy and Solutions, Conference Proceedings, pp. 42-44, University College Dublin, 19th – 22nd June.
2012: Yenneti, K. ‘The Tainted Desert? The Ruin of Socio-Culture and Livelihoods of ‘Rabaris’ through the Implementation of Solar Energy Projects in Gujarat, India”, MEGS Christmas Conference, pp.26, University of Nottingham, 14th Dec.
2012: Yenneti, K. ‘Social Systems Perspective: Solar Energy Implementation in India’, MEGS III Annual Conference on ‘Systems Thinking in Energy’, University of Birmingham, 18th – 19th Sept.
2012: Yenneti, K. ‘Policy Implementation, Energy Security and Livelihood Implications of Solar Energy in India’, New Energy Security Challenges Workshop, organized by Energy Geographies Working Group, Royal Geographical Society and University of Exeter, London, 3rd – 5th May.
2011: Yenneti, K. and Sharma, R. ‘CO2 Emission Reduction Potential Through Improvements in Technology from Civil Aviation Sector in India - A Case of Delhi-Mumbai Air Route’, International Science Congress, pp: 156, India, 24th – 25th Dec.
2011: Yenneti, K. and Joshi, G. ‘Energy Efficiency as A Low Carbon Mitigation Strategy for Industries- A Case of Ahmedabad City’, 4th International Congress on Environmental Research, India 15th – 17th Dec.
2010: Yenneti, K. and Joshi, G. ‘Reducing the Vulnerability of Urban Poor in Indian Cities to Climate Change through Adaptation Strategies’, 4th International Conference on Community-Based Adaptation, Tanzania, pp.58, 21st – 27th Feb.
2010: Yenneti, K. and Joshi, G. ‘CDM Potential in Bus Rapid Transit Systems (BRTS)- A Case of BRTS Ahmedabad’, National Conference on Climate Change Research, India, 5th – 6th Mar.
2009: Yenneti, K. and Joshi, G. ‘Application of Hotelling Rule for Analysing Utilization Pattern of Non-Renewable Resources in India’, International Conference on Climate Change & Sustainable Management of Natural Resources, pp. 97, India, 10th -12th Nov.
2009: Yenneti, K. Joshi, G. ‘Framework for Urban Sustainability- Learnings from Eco-City Projects in India’, Asian Planning Schools Association (APSA) Congress 2009, T-1 – 23, CEPT University, India 24th – 26th Nov.
2009: Yenneti, K. and Joshi, G. ‘Role of Media in creating environmental awareness- A case of eco-city project Tirupathi’, International Conference on Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability in India and Canada: Approaches & Strategies, pp: 69, University of Madras, India 16th-18th Sept.
Conference Executive Board
2019: International Scientific Advisory Committee Member, International Conference on ‘water resources, climate change and sustainability’, organised by Institute of Public Enterprise and South Asian Institute for Advanced Research and Development, 27th – 28th September
2018: International Scientific Advisory Committee Member, XII International Geographical Union Conference on ‘ Climate change, Natural disasters and Sustainable development’, organised by Government Degree College, Panchkula, India, 22nd – 24th February