Faramarz Amiri

Faramarz Amiri

Senior Lecturer in Digital Media

  • Email address F.Amiri@wlv.ac.uk
  • Phone number 01902 3447
  • Location MK Building, MK601
  • Faculty Faculty of Arts, Business and Social Sciences
  • Institute Wolverhampton School of Art
  • Areas of expertise

    Higher Education Pedagogy, Serious Games Design, Educational Technology, TESOL 

I joined the university in 1997 from the University of Manchester where I was teaching on the postgraduate course in Educational Technology as well as completing my PhD in Education for four years. My educational background is diverse. I have studied Linguistics & Cognitive Sciences at the university of Sussex (BA), Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) in the University of Brighton (PG Diploma), Computer Science at the university of Exeter (MSc) and Social & Political Theories at the university of Cambridge (MPhil). I am currently the course leader for BA(Hons) Computer Games Design. 

  •  Art & Design Pedagogy, Educational Technology, Social, Political and Cultural Aspect of Games Design
  • Fellow of Higher Education Academy.
  • Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice in Higher Education,
  • The University of Wolverhampton
  • PhD in Education,
  • The University of Manchester
  • MSc in Computer Science: New Generation Computing,
  • The University of Exeter
  • M.Phil. in Social and Political Theory,
  • The University of Cambridge
  • Postgraduate Diploma in TEFL,
  • Brighton Polytechnic
  • BA (Hon) in Linguistics with Cognitive Sciences,
  • The University of Sussex
  • Programming as Design: The Role of Programming in Interactive Media Curriculum in Art & Design. The International Journal of Art & Design Education. Vol. 30.2; 2011.
  • Technology and empowerment: why EFL teachers need their own voice on multimedia authoring. IATEFL conference, Brighton, 2001.
  • Language Teachers as CALL materials developers. CALL 2000, Guangzhou, China. 18th to 19th of November 2000.
  • What makes a CALL material pedagogically sound? British Council Seminar in Beijing, 30th of August to 3rd of September 2000.
  • The role of the language teacher in the software development cycle. British Council Seminar in Beijing, 30th of August to 3rd of September 2000.
  • From natural language to programming language: why language teachers can make good multimedia authors. British Council Seminar in Beijing, 30th of August to 3rd of September 2000.
  • Tools of the trade. British Council Seminar in Beijing, 30th of August to 3rd of September 2000.
  • IT-literacy for language teachers: should it include computer programming? SYSTEM 28/1 2000. 
  • Multimedia for ‘grammar consciousness raising’. A paper presented at the IATEFL conference, Edinburgh, 1999.
  • Training teachers for the age of Information Technology. A paper presented at the IATEFL conference, Vienna 1996.
  • How the Internet can help you with your research. Researcher, Vol. 1, No. 1, 1996.
  • Teacher Training and the search for ‘the best’ programming environment. CALL Review, July 1995.
  • Multimedia and language teaching/learning. CELTA Yearbook 1994/95.

In addition to English, I know Farsi (native speaker) and a bit of Turkish.