Dr Christopher Rogers
Senior Lecturer in Forensic Science
- Email address C.Rogers4@wlv.ac.uk
- Phone number 01902 321115
- Faculty Faculty of Science and Engineering
- Institute School of Biology, Chemistry and Forensic Science
- Areas of expertise
Forensic and Biological Anthropology, Forensic Taphonomy, Entomology and Arachnology
Christopher holds a BSc (Hons) in Forensic Science, an MSc in Forensic and Biological Anthropology, a PhD in Forensic Taphonomy (where he investigated the decomposition of hair, cartilage and bone in burial environments), and a PGC in Entomology.
Christopher joined the University of Wolverhampton as a Senior Lecturer in Forensic Science in May 2016 where he currently teaches on various undergraduate and postgraduate modules. His previous roles included working as a Lecturer/Senior Lecturer at Glyndwr University (Wales), a Visiting Fellow at the Institute of Forensic Research (Instytut Ekspertyz Sądowych) in Krakow Poland, a Histologist (NHS Histopathology Department), and a Physical Anthropologist at the Natural History Museum (London).
A ‘media friendly’ academic, Christopher is regularly contacted by authors wanting to include forensic science within their books, he is always happy to help where he can. He has been involved with interviews for the BBC and consulted with numerous television documentary producers.
Twitter: @_doctorchris
Member: European Association of Forensic Entomology
Member: Royal Entomological Society (Mem.R.E.S.)
Member: British Tarantula Society
Fellow: Higher Education Academy
B.Sc. (Hons.) Forensic Science
M.Sc. Forensic and Biological Anthropology
Ph.D. Forensic Biology
P.G.C. Entomology
P.G.cert. Higher Education and Professional Practice
Williams, A, Rogers, CJ, Cassella, JP (2019), Why does the UK need a human taphonomy facility? Forensic Science International. 296: 74-79.
Rogers, CJ (2018) A review of the defensive behaviours of Theraphosid Spiders (Araneae: Theraphosidae). British Tarantula Society Journal. 33(1): 26-31.
Rogers, CJ (2018) Notes on the behaviour, biology, and husbandry of Piloctenus haematostoma (Araneae: Ctenidae). British Tarantula Society Journal. 33(1): 3-7.
Rogers, CJ (2017) Arachnoculture of medically significant scorpions: Navigating the Dangerous Wild Animal Act. The Journal of the British Tarantula Society. 32(2): 19-23.
Darby A, Rogers CJ, Greene B, Parry E, Wray EM, Yang J (2015). Visualisation of latent fingerprints on wild bird eggshells by alternate light sources following superglue fuming. Journal of Forensic Research. 6:286. doi: 10.4172/2157-7145.1000286
Rogers CJ, ten Broek CMA, Hodson BJ, Whitehead MP, Schmerer WM, Sutton R (2014) Identification of crystals forming on porcine articular cartilage: A new method for the estimation of the postmortem interval. Journal of Forensic Sciences. 59(6): 1575-1582.
Rogers CJ, Clark K, Hodson BJ, Whitehead MP, Sutton R, Schmerer WM (2011) Postmortem degradation of porcine articular cartilage. Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine.18 (2):52-56.

Dr Christopher Rogers
Senior Lecturer in Forensic Science
- Email address C.Rogers4@wlv.ac.uk
- Phone number 01902 321115
- Faculty Faculty of Science and Engineering
- Institute School of Biology, Chemistry and Forensic Science
- Areas of expertise
Forensic and Biological Anthropology, Forensic Taphonomy, Entomology and Arachnology
Christopher holds a BSc (Hons) in Forensic Science, an MSc in Forensic and Biological Anthropology, a PhD in Forensic Taphonomy (where he investigated the decomposition of hair, cartilage and bone in burial environments), and a PGC in Entomology.
Christopher joined the University of Wolverhampton as a Senior Lecturer in Forensic Science in May 2016 where he currently teaches on various undergraduate and postgraduate modules. His previous roles included working as a Lecturer/Senior Lecturer at Glyndwr University (Wales), a Visiting Fellow at the Institute of Forensic Research (Instytut Ekspertyz Sądowych) in Krakow Poland, a Histologist (NHS Histopathology Department), and a Physical Anthropologist at the Natural History Museum (London).
A ‘media friendly’ academic, Christopher is regularly contacted by authors wanting to include forensic science within their books, he is always happy to help where he can. He has been involved with interviews for the BBC and consulted with numerous television documentary producers.
Twitter: @_doctorchris
Member: European Association of Forensic Entomology
Member: Royal Entomological Society (Mem.R.E.S.)
Member: British Tarantula Society
Fellow: Higher Education Academy
B.Sc. (Hons.) Forensic Science
M.Sc. Forensic and Biological Anthropology
Ph.D. Forensic Biology
P.G.C. Entomology
P.G.cert. Higher Education and Professional Practice
Williams, A, Rogers, CJ, Cassella, JP (2019), Why does the UK need a human taphonomy facility? Forensic Science International. 296: 74-79.
Rogers, CJ (2018) A review of the defensive behaviours of Theraphosid Spiders (Araneae: Theraphosidae). British Tarantula Society Journal. 33(1): 26-31.
Rogers, CJ (2018) Notes on the behaviour, biology, and husbandry of Piloctenus haematostoma (Araneae: Ctenidae). British Tarantula Society Journal. 33(1): 3-7.
Rogers, CJ (2017) Arachnoculture of medically significant scorpions: Navigating the Dangerous Wild Animal Act. The Journal of the British Tarantula Society. 32(2): 19-23.
Darby A, Rogers CJ, Greene B, Parry E, Wray EM, Yang J (2015). Visualisation of latent fingerprints on wild bird eggshells by alternate light sources following superglue fuming. Journal of Forensic Research. 6:286. doi: 10.4172/2157-7145.1000286
Rogers CJ, ten Broek CMA, Hodson BJ, Whitehead MP, Schmerer WM, Sutton R (2014) Identification of crystals forming on porcine articular cartilage: A new method for the estimation of the postmortem interval. Journal of Forensic Sciences. 59(6): 1575-1582.
Rogers CJ, Clark K, Hodson BJ, Whitehead MP, Sutton R, Schmerer WM (2011) Postmortem degradation of porcine articular cartilage. Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine.18 (2):52-56.