Building, Construction, Civil Engineering, Surveying & Property Management

Key Databases

Offering the latest business and financial information for researchers at all levels. It includes in-depth coverage for over 3,730 publications, with more than 2,670 available in full text.

Access: Students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: Partner staff at all sites cannot access this database

Box of Broadcasts (BoB) is an on demand TV and radio service for education.
It allows staff and students to record programmes from over 65 free-to-air channels, and search an extensive archive.
You may only access or use BoB in the United Kingdom.

Access: Students and staff and Partner staff based at University of Wolverhampton campuses and only UK based distance learners with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: Partner students and staff at international partner institutions and distance learners outside the UK cannot access this database

BSOL is the online standards database giving access to over 55,000 up-to-date British, adopted European and International standards.

There is a security feature embedded within PDF documents from British Standards Online. This means that if you want to download and print a document, you will be required to install the FileOpen plug-in on your device before you can open them. Use the More Information link for full details. The ability to read standards online in BSOL remains unaffected.

Access: Students and staff based at University of Wolverhampton campuses and only UK based distance learners with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: Partner students and staff at UK and international partner institutions, and distance learners outside the UK cannot access this database

Business Source Complete contains premium content of peer-reviewed, business related journals. Included as part of the comprehensive coverage are indexing and abstracts for the most important scholarly business journals, dating back as far as 1886. In addition, searchable cited references are provided for more than 1,300 journals.

Access: Students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: Partner staff at all sites cannot access this database

CIS provides full-text access to current regulations, standards and industry news for architects, designers, engineers, quantity surveyors and health and safety staff. It includes British Standards referenced in building regulations, JCT contracts, CIBSE documents, legislative and compliance regulations, Eurocodes, UK National Annexes and Non-contradictory Complimentary Information (NCCI).

Please note: When using this link, your name and University email address are sent to IHS Markit in order to create your account. You can find their privacy policy here: and

Access: All students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: None

Online maps and mapping data of Great Britain, at a series of pre-defined scales; includes collections from Ordnance Survey and Landmark. A registration form will need to be completed when a user accesses Digimap for the first time; this takes two working days to process, before Digimap can be used.

Access: All students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: None

Financial database of UK and Irish public and private companies, containing current and historical information on approximately 200,000 companies.

Fame has been updated with a new improved interface. The old interface will no longer be available.

Access: All students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: None

Focuses on the impact of humans on the environment, covering global warming, sustainable agriculture, green building and renewable energy.

Access: Students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: Partner staff at all sites cannot access this database

Historic Digimap delivers Landmark historic Ordnance Survey maps of Great Britain.
The historic maps can be viewed on-line, printed and downloaded as images for use in image processing and GIS software.

Access: All students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: None

Full text civil engineering journals published by the Institution of Civil Engineers from 1836 to the present.

Access: All students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: None

Land, property and construction information from the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS). Includes best practice guidance, case studies, the latest legal and regulatory updates, and RICS standards. Available on campus only. is the official revised edition of the primary legislation of the United Kingdom made available online. (Previously the UK Statute Law Database)

Access: All students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: None

Access to an extensive set of full text legal resources, including UK Cases and Legislation, Halsbury's Laws of England, Forms & Precedents and UK Journals.

Access: Students and staff based at University of Wolverhampton campuses and only UK based distance learners with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: Partner students and staff at UK and international partner institutions, and distance learners outside the UK cannot access this database

ScienceDirect provides access to the scientific, technical and medical journals of Elsevier and participating publishers.
It contains more than 16 million articles, 2,500 journals, 250 full open access journals, 39,000 books and 330,000 topic pages.

For a complete list of our subscribed titles, click the "More information" link.

Access: All students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: None

Scopus is the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed research literature with more than 20,500 titles from more than 5,000 international publishers. Scopus offers researchers a quick, easy and comprehensive resource to support their research needs in the scientific, technical, medical and social sciences fields and arts and humanities.

Access: All students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: None

Cases and statutes, administrative materials, law reviews and treatises, attorney profiles, news and business information.

Access: Students and staff based at University of Wolverhampton campuses and all distance learners with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: Partner students and staff at UK and international partner institutions cannot access this database

Electronic journals. Full text access is limited to University subscriptions only.

Access: All students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: None

Journals and other resources

Civil and Environmental Engineering journals on BrowZine

Building Regulations
Planning, building and the environment - Department for Communities and Local Government

The Construction Centre
UK Construction Products, Brands and Companies

Institution of Civil Engineers

Building Cost Information Service (BCIS)
Available to students in the School of Architecture and Built Environment – please contact your lecturer for access details