Maths Support Centre

The Maths Support service can help you with any level of mathematics, statistics or numeracy. The service is based on the ground floor of Harrison Library, and is open to all students.

Our drop-ins provide a relaxed, friendly and non-judgemental atmosphere offering assistance with any aspects of Mathematics or Mathematics-related subjects.  You will be helped on a first come, first served basis, so please come along during the following times:

Please note: Due to staffing changes, the service is not currently offered outside of the dates below. If support becomes available outside these times, this webpage will be updated.

Tuesdays – 12pm – 2pm

Wednesdays – 12pm – 2pm

  • Maths support can also be provided online, via Teams. These appointments can be delivered on Mondays, between 12 and 2pm.
  • To request an online appointment, please email
  • Please note that the maths support service is managed by teaching staff, and so response times will vary depending on module commitments. It is recommended you give at least a week’s notice before your requested appointment time.

Here are some examples of mathematical problems that we can help you with:

  • Nursing or Pharmacy students struggling with drug calculations.
  • Engineering students having trouble understanding partial fractions.
  • Final year project students having difficulty completing the statistical analysis.
  • Facing a numeracy test at your interview?  Come and ask us about improving your skills.

If you have enquiries about the service, please contact the Skills for Learning team.