
At Careers and the Workplace we understand that many students come to the University of Wolverhampton not just for their interest in a subject but because they want a successful career and a better life. However, with so much going on, it can sometimes be difficult to find the time to focus on what is important for your future.

There are things that you can be doing from year one to improve your career prospects, so don't leave it to your final year before coming to find out how we can help you. We can give you the time and support you need to think about, plan, prepare and put in place the necessary steps for your career aspirations. We recognise that everybody's career needs are different and you will have a variety of things you want help with, here are some of the things that you can talk to us about:

  • I don't know what I want to do.
  • What career options are available with my degree?
  • Where are the best places to look for jobs?
  • I know what career I want but I don't know how to get into it.
  • I'm thinking of starting my own business can you help me?
  • How do I write a good CV or application form?

You can come and talk to us even if you are not quite sure what you want to talk about! If your career plan is on track, we still recommend you come and see us to access our resources, information, advice and guidance tailored to your needs. If you have a minute, come and visit us. It would be great to meet you.

Our services are available to:

  • All current students of the University of Wolverhampton including Higher Apprenticeships and Degree Apprenticeships
  • University of Wolverhampton alumni on a lifelong basis


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