Learning to Teach Inclusively

Project Leader: Professor Christine Hockings

Email: C.Hockings@wlv.ac.uk

This project is jointly supported by JISC and the HEA under the Open Educational Resources Programme.

OER Module

  • Learning to Teach Inclusively module 
    Learning to Teach Inclusively online module and download options.
  • Learning to Teach Inclusively Mobile web app
    The module is now available as a mobile app. Please note: for a full functionality (forums, interactivity) use desktop version of our module. Video playback is supported only on iPhones and iPads (internet connection required).
  • Project team
    Further information about the project team members.  
  • Final report
    The Higher Education Academy (HEA)/JISC final report including external evaluators report.

Project Overview

Learning to Teach Inclusively – a multi media open access module for HE staff

This project will deliver a 30 credit ‘tailor-able’ module entitled ‘teaching inclusively’ that may be taken by teaching and support staff as part of an accredited professional development programme.

The module will reflect four key areas of inclusive practice (curriculum design, curriculum delivery, assessment and management) highlighted in the Academy’s synthesis of the research in inclusive L&T (Hockings 2010). Our overarching aim in developing this module, its units and the Open Educational Resources (OER) is to facilitate the development of inclusive practitioners across the sector and to enhance the academic engagement of all students.

OERs are defined as learning materials and activities that are freely available to be used, changed and redistributed these might include video clips, PowerPoint slides, photographs and other media.

The online module will be accessible to all HEIs through Open Learn, the Open University website which gives free access to OU course materials. It will comprise 3 individual units, accessible as a whole, individually or as combination of units, according to individual training and development needs.  These units will include:

  1. Inclusive Curriculum Design and Assessment
  2. Inclusive Pedagogy
  3. Managing and Researching the Inclusive Institution.

Each unit will link directly to a new and existing body of OERs (including video clips of authentic inclusive teaching) located in JorumOpen. HEIs can access, tailor, reuse and add to the module, its units and the repository of inclusive OERs.

These resources will illustrate inclusive learning, teaching and assessment practice across the subject range (science, technology, humanities, arts and social sciences) from academic to professional and vocational courses, and set within different learning environments (large and small group, practical and laboratory setting,  field study, work based). In addition there will be extracts from video interviews with staff and students participating in these teaching sessions and with support staff and professionals, such as those working with specific groups of students (e.g. disabled, international).