Box Office: 01902 321 321
It is the aim of the Arena Theatre to create a supportive environment where people are able to access our services, building and member of staff to further their understanding and enjoyment of theatre, the arts and the creative process.
Below you can find our lists of policies and procedures including: company and performers guidelines, child protection and safeguarding policy and vulnerable adults safeguarding policy.
We also take data protection very seriously and ensure we are compliant with General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) at all times. You can find details on how we use our customer data in our privacy policy below.
These policies are reviewed annually by members of staff, and each policy contains a 'last reviewed' date.
Arena Theatre Company and Performers Guidelines
Arena Theatre Programming Policy - 2020-2022
Arena Theatre Privacy Policy (rev Feb 2022) (Word doc 18k)
Arena Theatre Safeguarding Policy (rev Feb 2022) (Word doc 374k)