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Trips and Tours

Trips and Tours

There a number of trips taking place in the next few months available for staff and students. All information on all of the trips can be found at and can be purchased either online via the e-store or physically via our cashiers in MX (this applies to staff and students).

You will be taken to your destination in comfortable, modern coaches.  You will be accompanied by a friendly helper on these trips and map and information about what you can do on the day will be emailed out to you either when you book online or near to the trip date if you buy your tickets physically at our cashiers.

We pick up from the University shuttle bus stop at Telford, City and Walsall Campuses.  There may be other trips and social events throughout the year. Any additional information will be publicised on our website:

If you are interested in attending any trips or want any more information, please email (Please ensure you clearly put your student number in the subject line)

For more information please contact the Corporate Communications Team.

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